Virtual permits for the Bowes Primary Area Quieter Neighbourhood: Exemptions from camera enforced filters for Blue Badge holders living within the Haringey zone
BOW virtual permits are in place for the Bowes Primary Area Quieter Neighbourhood (Bowes Area QN) in Enfield. Blue Badge holders living in some parts of the Bounds Green Low Traffic Neighbourhood (Bounds Green LTN Area A) in Haringey can now apply for a BOW virtual permit.
The BOW virtual permit applies to the following camera enforced modal filters:
- Maidstone Road at its junction with Warwick Road and
- Warwick Road, near its junction with Maidstone Road.
Blue Badge holders living in the part of the Bounds Green LTN which is between Bounds Green Road, the railway line, and the Enfield-Haringey boundary are eligible to apply to Enfield Council for a BOW virtual permit. This area is the same area that is referred to as ‘Area A’ of the Bounds Green LTN by Haringey Council. A map showing that area can be found on the right-hand side of the page under the “Document Library”.
BOW virtual permit holders can nominate one vehicle to pass through the camera enforced modal filters within the Bowes QN without receiving a Penalty Charge Notice.
Please refer to the FAQs on this page for more details about the BOW virtual permit.