Phase 2 Engagement Report and Traffic Analysis

From 17 January to 11 February 2024, we heard from residents, businesses, community groups and others in the Bowes East community on the proposed plan for the Quieter Neighbourhood in the area. This followed the engagement with the community held in September and October 2023 that informed the recently presented concept design.

Thank you to everyone who took part in the engagement. In total, 226 people provided their feedback on the proposal, and 119 residents spoke with us across two drop-in events. Many more engaged in other ways such as workshops, webinars, or via correspondence. From this feedback, we heard concerns regarding accessibility to and from the area, particularly due to the proposed banned right-turns. We also heard from many people who were supportive of the proposed School Street on Tottenhall Road and Grenoble Gardens. The Engagement Findings Summary Report provides an overview of the engagement approach, who participated, and findings from the comments received. The full report can be found here.

In December 2023 we undertook traffic surveys to understand the volumes and traffic routes in and around the area. This data has been summarised and can be found here. From analysis of this data, it was identified that while traffic volumes in the area were lower than anticipated, large vehicle queue lengths were evident on Grenoble Gardens especially during peak afternoon (PM) hours.

In light of the feedback received from the community and the results of the traffic survey, we will be making revisions to the design that we proposed earlier this year. This includes:

  • Not proceeding with the proposal of banned right turns eastbound onto Wolves Lane/Melville Gardens.

  • Reviewing the proposed banned right turns westbound onto Green Lanes whilst we investigate the issue of vehicles queueing on Grenoble Gardens.

We are continuing with further exploration of a School Street on Grenoble Gardens and Tottenhall Road, improved crossings, traffic calming, and greening.

We are currently working on updating the proposals. Once these are complete, we will move forward with our next phase of engagement which will be Statutory Consultation. We will write to residents at that time to inform the community of the opportunity to provide a representation or objection to the draft Traffic Order. Updates will also be published on this page.

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