FY 2024-25 Selected Bike Hangar Locations
The Council has received funding from Transport for London (TfL) to install 12 bike hangars this financial year. A site selection process has identified the following locations for this financial year:
- Selbourne Road N14
- Gareth Drive N9
- Waverley Road EN2
- Pennington Road N21
- Brodie Road EN2
- Landseer Road EN1
- Caversham Avenue N13
- Tottenhall Road N13
- Wakefield Road N11
- Evesham Road N11
- Russell Road N13
- The Limes Avenue N11
Cycle parking is delivered by the Council's Journeys and Places programme that empowers people in Enfield to make sustainable choices for themselves, their community and our planet. Delivering secure cycle parking for residents is one of the ways we support more people to travel actively in Enfield.
The first 10 bike hangars will be installed between October and November 2024. As a permanent change is required to the resident permit bays on Russell Road N13 & The Limes Avenue N11, it is subject to installation based on statutory consultation. Subject to approval, Russell Road & The Limes Avenue is estimated to be installed in January 2025.