Phase 2 engagement open to feedback
Enfield Council wants to create healthier, greener, and safer neighbourhoods. In September and October 2023, we heard from the community about their ideas for the proposed Edmonton Green Quieter Neighbourhood, and about current issues that could be addressed through the project. Thank you to everyone who spoke with us at an event, shared your comments via the online interactive map, and emailed us with your views. The summary report of this engagement phase has been published on the project page (link below). Using these community insights, we have now developed a design proposal for the Edmonton Green Quieter Neighbourhood, and invite residents to share your views with us to help inform the development of this design.
The next phase of community engagement starts on Wednesday 17 January 2024 and will run until Sunday 11 February 2024. We invite you to view the proposed plan and get involved in one or more of the following (continued overleaf):
Online survey: Share your views to help inform the design for the area here |
Open now until Sunday 11 February 2024 |
Drop-in session at Edmonton Green Library: Speak with the team about the project, share your feedback on the proposed designs. |
4.30pm – 6.30pm Wednesday 24 January 2024 |
Drop-in session at Edmonton Green Library: Speak with the team about the project, share your feedback on the proposed designs. |
2pm – 4pm Saturday 3 February 2024 |
Webinar held on Microsoft Teams at Hear from the project team about the proposed designs and have the opportunity to ask questions. |
6pm Tuesday 6 February 2024 |
You can also email your ideas and issues to us at or write to us at: ATTN Journeys and Places, Enfield Council, Civic Centre, Silver St, London EN1 3XA. |
Once this phase of community engagement has concluded, we will publish a summary document which captures the feedback we have heard from residents, businesses, and other stakeholders as well as explaining the next steps.
We look forward to listening to your views over the coming weeks.

Thank you for your contribution!
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