What is Enfield Council's Quieter Neighbourhood (QN) programme?

    Enfield Council’s Quieter Neighbourhood (QN) programme aims to reduce the speeds and volume of motor vehicles in the area and create an attractive and safe environment for people to travel by active and sustainable modes, such as walking and cycling. The long-term benefits we hope to see include improvements in people’s health, less congestion and safer roads, and improved air quality. 

    Quieter Neighbourhoods encompass Low Traffic Neighbourhoods but may also consider the introduction of other traffic calming features such as point filters, one-way streets, Schools Streets and cycle parking.

    Why is a Quieter Neighbourhood being proposed in Edmonton Green?

    Edmonton Green has been chosen as one of the next QN areas because the area has poor air quality compared with other areas in Enfield, poor health and deprivation indicators that could be improved with active travel, two schools within the area, amenities in the area that could be accessed using active travel, high numbers of collisions for vehicles, pedestrians and people on bikes, and a high population density which would benefit from the improvements.

    What are the proposed changes?

    Early engagement with the community on the proposed Quieter Neighbourhood in Edmonton Green will start on Monday 11 September 2023 and will close on Sunday 8 October 2023. During this time we invite you to share your ideas for the area, and any current issues in the area that may be addressed through the project with us. 

    A concept design with showing proposed changes will be prepared using the comments we receive from this period of engagement. The concept design will be shared with the community for feedback in early 2024.

    Will residents be engaged? If so, how, and when can we leave feedback?

    Early engagement with the community on the proposed Quieter Neighbourhood in Edmonton Green will start on Monday 11 September 2023 and close on Sunday 8 October 2023. During this time we invite you to share your ideas for the area, and any current issues in the area that may be addressed through the project with us. 

    During this phase of engagement, drop-in sessions will take place within the Edmonton Green QN where we will share information on the project and you will have the opportunity to share your ideas and issues with us. A webinar will be held on Monday 25 September 2023 at 6pm on Microsoft Teams where the project team will present information on the project and there will be the opportunity to ask them questions.

    We will also be speaking with businesses in the area in order to gather their comments on issues and opportunities, and we will also be meeting with disability groups about the proposed project. 

    The dates of the engagement activities can be found in the Key Dates section of this project page. The online interactive map can also be found here.

    How is this project funded?

    Funding for the project is expected to be from a combination of Transport for London funding, section 106 and council capital.