Suggest where we should plant trees in Enfield

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Consultation has concluded

Over the next ten years, we aim to become the greenest London borough by creating more publicly accessible green spaces and areas of woodland. You can find out more about these ambitions in our Blue and Green Strategy.

We recognise that extra tree planting is needed, particularly in the east of Enfield, to make sure green spaces are better balanced across the borough.

We want to hear from you about the places you think would be best to plant trees. Is there a space on your street, school or local park that would be ideal for a single tree or even a mini-woodland?

Drop a pin on our map below with suggestions on where you would like a tree to be planted.

The Watercourses and Trees Team are currently collating, analysing and reviewing the responses we have received to plan for tree planting in the winter of 22/23.

Over the next ten years, we aim to become the greenest London borough by creating more publicly accessible green spaces and areas of woodland. You can find out more about these ambitions in our Blue and Green Strategy.

We recognise that extra tree planting is needed, particularly in the east of Enfield, to make sure green spaces are better balanced across the borough.

We want to hear from you about the places you think would be best to plant trees. Is there a space on your street, school or local park that would be ideal for a single tree or even a mini-woodland?

Drop a pin on our map below with suggestions on where you would like a tree to be planted.

The Watercourses and Trees Team are currently collating, analysing and reviewing the responses we have received to plan for tree planting in the winter of 22/23.