Bullsmoor Lane crossing redesign - Statutory Consultation

In March 2023, we carried out consultation regarding the phase of the project focusing on the modifications to the on-carriageway sections of the New River Path; referred to as the New River Path crossover points. The proposal included safer crossings for people walking and cycling at multiple locations, including Bullsmoor Lane. Since then, we have revisited the design at Bullsmoor Lane due to the constructability of the original proposal. We are proposing a new design that ensures a safe crossing while also minimising impact on the existing bridge at Bullsmoor Lane.

The new proposed interventions for Bullsmoor Lane feature:

  • New parallel zebra crossings for people walking and cycling
  • Footway and carriageway resurfacing
  • Reduced road crossing widths
  • Traffic calming features (speed tables, humps and street furniture)
  • Extended rain gardens.

The statutory consultation being delivered is in relation to the draft traffic order for this crossover point. We have now published the draft traffic order for Bullsmoor Lane crossing, found here. The proposed designs can be found in the document library on the right side of this project page, found here. We would like to invite you to provide your comments on this traffic order through the statutory consultation process.

Have your say

The statutory consultation is open until midnight Sunday 2 June 2024. Any objection or representation must be made in writing, quoting the reference TG52/1557 and must state the grounds on which it is made. Objections or representations can be made in any of the following ways:

  • online via the consultation survey on this project page found here.
  • emailed to journeysandplaces@enfield.gov.uk or
  • posted to Journeys and Places team, Enfield Council, Silver Street, Enfield, EN1 3XA.

Following the statutory consultation, a summary of the objections and representations will be produced. Enfield Council will provide a response and use the comments received to make a decision on whether or not to make the proposed changes.

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