Fernleigh Road Area Quieter Neighbourhood

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Consultation has concluded

Following early engagement, the Council conducted a statutory consultation for the Fernleigh Road area Quieter Neighbourhood scheme from 21st February – 18th March 2018.

Following this consultation, it was decided that a 20mph area wide zone and point-no-entry feature on Stonard Road would be implemented.

Introduction of a 20mph zone, which was supported by the majority of residents living within the area

Where average speeds were shown to be higher than 24mph, the 20mph zone is supported by additional traffic calming measures to help self-enforce the speed limit. Where possible, a modern speed hump design has been used which reduces vibration and is more comfortable to cycle over. However, it is not possible to use the humps where an existing crossover is in place as the gradient would potentially cause difficulties for residents accessing their properties. Therefore, in certain places speed cushions are proposed, which have the advantage of being able to be staggered to assist with access.

These traffic calming features will be used on Woodberry Avenue, Fernleigh Road, Compton Road and Radcliffe Road. Residents were asked ‘do you support the area wide 20mph zone (including the associated traffic calming)?’. A summary of the level of support for these measures is as follows:

  • Woodberry Avenue: 15 responses yes, 2 responses no, 1 response no preference
  • Fernleigh Road: 26 responses yes, 12 responses no, 2 responses no preference
  • Compton Road: 11 responses yes, 5 responses no, 0 responses no preference
  • Radcliffe Road: 9 responses yes, 7 responses no, 1 response no preference

On Fernleigh Road, there is one location that owing to crossovers, even a staggered speed cushion could create an access issue (this location is by the junction with Haslemere Road). Therefore, a trial of unrestricted wide parking bays will be used in this location. In order to be consistent with approach in this stretch, engineers have then repeated this parking bay approach further up the road near to the Hoppers Road junction. The intention is that these wider parking bays (which can be used by anyone) will visually narrow the road and provide an alternative form of traffic calming. This is the approach that was illustrated in the plans that were consulted on. However, the council will monitor this to establish the effectiveness by repeating speed surveys on Fernleigh Road a few weeks after the measures are implemented. If average speeds in this stretch remain above 24mph then the Council will explore further traffic calming options for this section of Fernleigh Road, which would then be subject to a further consultation.

These measures will be implemented during late March / early April 2019.

Introduction of a point-no entry feature in Stonard Road

This will be introduced on a trial basis later in the Spring 2019. Residents of Stonard Road will receive further details on proposed dates and how they’ll be able to feedback to the Council during the trial period.

Measures not to be implemented

There are a number of features originally proposed which the Council have agreed not to pursue because they did not receive majority support from residents living in the area. These measures include one-way traffic proposals in Eaton Park Road and Meadowcroft Way, wider marked parking bays across the area (except those planned for Fernleigh Road which are needed as further traffic calming) and proposed banned turns into Radcliffe Road and Ringwood Way.

The Council is committed to measures which help create quieter residential streets and view the introduction of this 20mph zone as a positive improvement. Where the Council did not receive majority support for particular measures from residents, this feedback was taken on board.

Following early engagement, the Council conducted a statutory consultation for the Fernleigh Road area Quieter Neighbourhood scheme from 21st February – 18th March 2018.

Following this consultation, it was decided that a 20mph area wide zone and point-no-entry feature on Stonard Road would be implemented.

Introduction of a 20mph zone, which was supported by the majority of residents living within the area

Where average speeds were shown to be higher than 24mph, the 20mph zone is supported by additional traffic calming measures to help self-enforce the speed limit. Where possible, a modern speed hump design has been used which reduces vibration and is more comfortable to cycle over. However, it is not possible to use the humps where an existing crossover is in place as the gradient would potentially cause difficulties for residents accessing their properties. Therefore, in certain places speed cushions are proposed, which have the advantage of being able to be staggered to assist with access.

These traffic calming features will be used on Woodberry Avenue, Fernleigh Road, Compton Road and Radcliffe Road. Residents were asked ‘do you support the area wide 20mph zone (including the associated traffic calming)?’. A summary of the level of support for these measures is as follows:

  • Woodberry Avenue: 15 responses yes, 2 responses no, 1 response no preference
  • Fernleigh Road: 26 responses yes, 12 responses no, 2 responses no preference
  • Compton Road: 11 responses yes, 5 responses no, 0 responses no preference
  • Radcliffe Road: 9 responses yes, 7 responses no, 1 response no preference

On Fernleigh Road, there is one location that owing to crossovers, even a staggered speed cushion could create an access issue (this location is by the junction with Haslemere Road). Therefore, a trial of unrestricted wide parking bays will be used in this location. In order to be consistent with approach in this stretch, engineers have then repeated this parking bay approach further up the road near to the Hoppers Road junction. The intention is that these wider parking bays (which can be used by anyone) will visually narrow the road and provide an alternative form of traffic calming. This is the approach that was illustrated in the plans that were consulted on. However, the council will monitor this to establish the effectiveness by repeating speed surveys on Fernleigh Road a few weeks after the measures are implemented. If average speeds in this stretch remain above 24mph then the Council will explore further traffic calming options for this section of Fernleigh Road, which would then be subject to a further consultation.

These measures will be implemented during late March / early April 2019.

Introduction of a point-no entry feature in Stonard Road

This will be introduced on a trial basis later in the Spring 2019. Residents of Stonard Road will receive further details on proposed dates and how they’ll be able to feedback to the Council during the trial period.

Measures not to be implemented

There are a number of features originally proposed which the Council have agreed not to pursue because they did not receive majority support from residents living in the area. These measures include one-way traffic proposals in Eaton Park Road and Meadowcroft Way, wider marked parking bays across the area (except those planned for Fernleigh Road which are needed as further traffic calming) and proposed banned turns into Radcliffe Road and Ringwood Way.

The Council is committed to measures which help create quieter residential streets and view the introduction of this 20mph zone as a positive improvement. Where the Council did not receive majority support for particular measures from residents, this feedback was taken on board.