Fox Lane Quieter Neighbourhood
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Consultation has concluded

This consultation ran from 1 November 2017 to 26 November 2017.
The following decision will come into effect from Monday 8 October 2018.
It is recommended that:
The scheme be implemented with some modifications to take into account the various comments received namely:
- Provision of a neighbourhood zone encouraging lower speeds with entry treatments using signs and planters
- Provision of speed humps in Fox Lane
- “3D speed cushion” markings in Devonshire Road
- Informal crossing point at Amberley Road / Fox Lane junction
- Point No Entry on Meadway
- School Street in Cannon Street
The following is also noted:
- Road narrowing, other than at junctions, is not progressed
- Measures for the Meadway / Greenway junction will be brought forward for consultation with ward councillors and local residents
A full report is available in the document library.
More information was recently provided here.