Strut the Square: A resounding success!

Earlier in the summer, Arbeit Studios Green Lanes, commissioned local artist Vedi Roy to deliver an event to bring the community together and activate Devonshire Square in a fresh, fun and inclusive way.
Vedi partnered with local social enterprise and charity shop Philanthropy, and came up with the fantastic idea to deliver a fashion show on Devonshire Square, with clothes selected from Philanthropy's charity shop and modelled by local people. The images below speak for themselves. Over two hundred people attended the event to cheer on the models and members of the public joined the catwalk show too.
Strut the Square attracted members of the LGTBQ+ community and younger residents. Many of the participants felt the event built their confidence, enabled freedom of expression and challenged stereotypes. Philanthropy said it was one of their most successful and satisfying experiences of working with the local community. The feedback on this event, and the way it fostered a sense of community and unity, is so important and exactly what Journeys and Places aims to achieve through our community partnerships and projects.
Huge thanks and congratulations to Vedi Roy, Philanthropy, Arbeit and all the participants and communities who made this event such as resounding success.
Following the event, a local LGBTQ+ network is being set up, with plans to run a similar event in the Winter. We can't wait!

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