Cycle Parking

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The population of Enfield is predicted to grow significantly in the coming years. Our road network is already suffering congestion and more car use will create further difficulties. The Council has declared a climate emergency with a task force established to help tackle the issues around climate change and the environment. There are also concerns over health in the community. Therefore, one of the key strands of the Health & Wellbeing strategy is to enable people to be more active.

For all these reasons, Enfield Council is committed to enabling higher levels of active travel (walking and cycling). Part of our Journeys and Places programme is creating safe cycle routes. However, this work needs to be complemented with other initiatives, such as providing secure cycle parking in residential areas, town centres, transport hubs and other key destinations.

A lack of appropriate cycle parking facilities is cited as a barrier to cycling and cycle ownership, and could be a constraint on the future growth of cycling. Much of the borough's housing stock does not provide enough space or access to a garden for people to store bikes, which prevents them from cycling.

Bike hangars are a secure and weatherproof on-street cycle parking solution that take up 2.5 metres on the carriageway. Bike hangars have 6 spaces which are rentable on a yearly basis. See here for information on how to apply.

We also welcome suggestions from residents for new cycle parking facilities including cycle stands, residential bike hangars and estate bike hangars. Submit your request via the Request New Cycle Parking form below.

The secure cycle parking programme is funded by Transport for London (TfL) to meet the objectives of the Mayor of London's Transport Strategy by increasing cycle parking provision across the Borough.

Find out more information on cycle parking in Enfield on the Journeys and Places website.

The population of Enfield is predicted to grow significantly in the coming years. Our road network is already suffering congestion and more car use will create further difficulties. The Council has declared a climate emergency with a task force established to help tackle the issues around climate change and the environment. There are also concerns over health in the community. Therefore, one of the key strands of the Health & Wellbeing strategy is to enable people to be more active.

For all these reasons, Enfield Council is committed to enabling higher levels of active travel (walking and cycling). Part of our Journeys and Places programme is creating safe cycle routes. However, this work needs to be complemented with other initiatives, such as providing secure cycle parking in residential areas, town centres, transport hubs and other key destinations.

A lack of appropriate cycle parking facilities is cited as a barrier to cycling and cycle ownership, and could be a constraint on the future growth of cycling. Much of the borough's housing stock does not provide enough space or access to a garden for people to store bikes, which prevents them from cycling.

Bike hangars are a secure and weatherproof on-street cycle parking solution that take up 2.5 metres on the carriageway. Bike hangars have 6 spaces which are rentable on a yearly basis. See here for information on how to apply.

We also welcome suggestions from residents for new cycle parking facilities including cycle stands, residential bike hangars and estate bike hangars. Submit your request via the Request New Cycle Parking form below.

The secure cycle parking programme is funded by Transport for London (TfL) to meet the objectives of the Mayor of London's Transport Strategy by increasing cycle parking provision across the Borough.

Find out more information on cycle parking in Enfield on the Journeys and Places website.

  • New Bike Hangars Update

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    We have completed the installation of 10 additional bike hangars in Enfield. These are now available on CycleHoop's website for residents to apply for a space.

    The locations are as follows:

    • Kimberly Gardens EN1
    • Gordon Road EN2
    • Gilbert Street EN3
    • Thorneycroft Drive EN3
    • St. Mary’s Road N9
    • St. George’s Road N13
    • Cranley Gardens N13
    • Godolphin Close N13
    • Kingsley Road N13
    • Seaton Street N18

  • FY 2023-24 Selected Bike Hangar Locations

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    The Council has received funding from Transport for London (TfL) to install 10 bike hangars this financial year. A site selection process has identified the following locations for this financial year:

    • Kimberly Gardens EN1
    • Gordon Road EN2
    • Gilbert Street EN3
    • Thorneycroft Drive EN3
    • St. Mary’s Road N9
    • St. George’s Road N13
    • Cranley Gardens N13
    • Godolphin Close N13
    • Kingsley Road N13
    • Seaton Street N18

    Cycle parking is delivered by the Council's Journeys and Places programme that empowers people in Enfield to make sustainable choices for themselves, their community and our planet. Delivering secure cycle parking for residents is one of the ways we support more people to travel actively in Enfield.

    The first 9 bike hangars will be installed between November and December 2023. As a permanent change is required to the resident permit bays on Seaton Street N18, it is subject to installation based on statutory consultation. Subject to approval, Seaton Street N18 is estimated to be installed in January 2024.

Page last updated: 04 Sep 2024, 05:18 PM