Bush Hill Park Construction Update February 2024

The works in Bush Hill Park commenced on 22nd January and our contractors are currently working on the section of the route which is situated in the north-west corner of the park at Cross Road.
Works currently underway
Works currently underway include the closing of the existing entrance to the park on Cross Road and the opening of a new, wider entrance to the park approximately 15m to the west of the existing entrance. A new path will be constructed to accommodate this new entrance which will re-join the existing path approximately 50m south of the new entrance. Ducting will also be installed to enable the installation of new lighting columns later in the construction phase.
Upcoming works
When the above works are completed, our contractors will move on to the next section of the route. This section of the route is located along the western side of the park, up to the western entrance on Lincoln Road.
The works will include upgrading the existing path at this location and the installation of ducting to enable new lighting columns to be installed later in the construction phase.
We will continue to post updates as the works in Bush Hill Park progress.
Should you have any general queries about these works, please contact the Journeys and Places team at JourneysandPlaces@enfield.gov.uk
All Ability Cycling Hub
The All Ability Cycling Hub is still operating in Bush Hill Park on Mondays from 10am – 3pm using a different route, however due to the construction works we are unable to cater to new members at present. When the works are completed, the Hub will resume as normal and new members will be catered for again. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.