Enfield Town to Ponders End Station Walking and Cycling Route

As part of the Journeys and Places programme, Enfield Council is continuing to develop a network of active travel routes in Enfield to encourage more people to walk and cycle in the borough. Enfield Council is proposing a walking and cycling route from Enfield Town to Ponders End Station, which is funded by Transport for London (TfL).
Currently there are numerous active travel routes that run from north to south throughout the borough. However, there are limited east to west routes to connect the existing facilities to one another. The Enfield Town to Ponders End Station Walking and Cycling Route would help address this issue as it would connect to the walking and cycling route which has been introduced along Ponders End High Street (Cycleway 1) and the proposed Enfield Town to Broxbourne Walking and Cycling Route project via the proposed Enfield Town improvements project. Ultimately, this project would be a part of a larger east-west network to create a future strategic cycle corridor.
The proposed route starts at the eastern side of the Southbury Road / Willow Road junction and reaches Ponders End Station via Alma Road. The total length of the proposed route (subject to confirmation of the preferred alignment) is approximately 3.9 kilometres.
The proposed route aims to:
- Provide a quieter, safer, and more pleasant route that will encourage people to use active travel modes for more of their journeys.
- Reduce the volume of motor traffic on the section of Main Avenue outside Bush Hill Park Primary School.
- Provide a safe cycle facility across the A10.
- Promote cycling along car-free areas such as though Bush Hill Park and Ponders End Park.
On this project page you can find:
- Key project dates in the Key Dates section on the right-hand side.
- Project updates in the News Feed below.
- A Document Library on the right-hand side which contain key documents.
- An FAQ section on the right-hand side which contain a list of frequently asked questions.
As part of the Journeys and Places programme, Enfield Council is continuing to develop a network of active travel routes in Enfield to encourage more people to walk and cycle in the borough. Enfield Council is proposing a walking and cycling route from Enfield Town to Ponders End Station, which is funded by Transport for London (TfL).
Currently there are numerous active travel routes that run from north to south throughout the borough. However, there are limited east to west routes to connect the existing facilities to one another. The Enfield Town to Ponders End Station Walking and Cycling Route would help address this issue as it would connect to the walking and cycling route which has been introduced along Ponders End High Street (Cycleway 1) and the proposed Enfield Town to Broxbourne Walking and Cycling Route project via the proposed Enfield Town improvements project. Ultimately, this project would be a part of a larger east-west network to create a future strategic cycle corridor.
The proposed route starts at the eastern side of the Southbury Road / Willow Road junction and reaches Ponders End Station via Alma Road. The total length of the proposed route (subject to confirmation of the preferred alignment) is approximately 3.9 kilometres.
The proposed route aims to:
- Provide a quieter, safer, and more pleasant route that will encourage people to use active travel modes for more of their journeys.
- Reduce the volume of motor traffic on the section of Main Avenue outside Bush Hill Park Primary School.
- Provide a safe cycle facility across the A10.
- Promote cycling along car-free areas such as though Bush Hill Park and Ponders End Park.
On this project page you can find:
- Key project dates in the Key Dates section on the right-hand side.
- Project updates in the News Feed below.
- A Document Library on the right-hand side which contain key documents.
- An FAQ section on the right-hand side which contain a list of frequently asked questions.
Enfield Town to Ponders End Station Construction Update Mar 2025
Share Enfield Town to Ponders End Station Construction Update Mar 2025 on Facebook Share Enfield Town to Ponders End Station Construction Update Mar 2025 on Twitter Share Enfield Town to Ponders End Station Construction Update Mar 2025 on Linkedin Email Enfield Town to Ponders End Station Construction Update Mar 2025 linkWorks at the Eaton Road/Queen’s Road junction and the Fotheringham Road/Cross Road junction are nearing completion. Once the works are complete, our contractor will open the junctions again and move on to other roads within the scheme area. We are targeting a completion date for all the works in April, please continue to check this project page for updates.
We understand that construction works of this nature can cause disruption and we would like to thank you for your cooperation while our contractor undertakes the work. Our contractor will try to ensure that disruption is minimised where possible while the works are undertaken. Should you have any general queries about the works or the overall project, please contact the Enfield Council Journeys and Places team at JourneysandPlaces@enfield.gov.uk.
Enfield Town to Ponders End Station Construction Update Feb 2025
Share Enfield Town to Ponders End Station Construction Update Feb 2025 on Facebook Share Enfield Town to Ponders End Station Construction Update Feb 2025 on Twitter Share Enfield Town to Ponders End Station Construction Update Feb 2025 on Linkedin Email Enfield Town to Ponders End Station Construction Update Feb 2025 linkWorks on the Enfield Town to Ponders End Station Walking and Cycling Route are now underway. Works commenced on Monday 24th February at the Eaton Road/Queen’s Road junction and the Fotheringham Road/Cross Road junction. Once the works are complete, our contractor will open the junctions again and move on to other roads within the scheme area.
We understand that construction works of this nature can cause disruption and we would like to thank you for your cooperation while our contractor undertakes the work. Our contractor will try to ensure that disruption is minimised where possible while the works are undertaken. Should you have any general queries about the works or the overall project, please contact the Enfield Council Journeys and Places team at JourneysandPlaces@enfield.gov.uk.
Enfield Town to Ponders End Walking and Cycling Route Update February 2025
Share Enfield Town to Ponders End Walking and Cycling Route Update February 2025 on Facebook Share Enfield Town to Ponders End Walking and Cycling Route Update February 2025 on Twitter Share Enfield Town to Ponders End Walking and Cycling Route Update February 2025 on Linkedin Email Enfield Town to Ponders End Walking and Cycling Route Update February 2025 linkStatutory consultation for two sections of the Enfield Town to Ponders End Walking and Cycling Route was undertaken between 13 November and 8 December 2024. The area covers the Eaton Road to Bush Hill Park and Percival Road/Bertram Road/Clive Road sections of the route. We would like to thank everyone who participated in the statutory consultation. The project aims to deliver a safe, accessible east-west walking and cycling route from Enfield Town to Ponders Ends Station with reduced motor traffic and improved road safety in the area. We have now considered the responses received. A summary along with the Council’s response to objections and representations made can be found here: https://letstalk.enfield.gov.uk/3019/widgets/43542/documents/77160.
It has been decided that the Council will proceed with the making of Traffic Order TG52/1571. We anticipate that construction will commence on 24th February. Due to the feedback received during the statutory consultation, the Council has decided not to deliver the proposed bus gate on Cross Road at this time. Traffic monitoring will be undertaken following implementation of the other measures detailed in the traffic order. Should data suggest a bus gate on Cross Road is required the Council will revisit this proposal.
The Council also undertook engagement on a Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) in the area. This was not proposed as part of the traffic order and therefore was not considered as part of the statutory consultation. The CPZ will not be implemented at this time alongside other interventions, but the comments received have been useful to inform the process. Should the CPZ be developed further, it would be subject to its own statutory consultation process. The summary of the responses received on the CPZ can be found here: https://letstalk.enfield.gov.uk/3019/widgets/43542/documents/77161.
Please register for updates on this project page to receive further information on construction of the two sections of the route, and for updates on the progress of the wider route.
Statutory Consultation - 13 November 2024 to 8 December 2024
Share Statutory Consultation - 13 November 2024 to 8 December 2024 on Facebook Share Statutory Consultation - 13 November 2024 to 8 December 2024 on Twitter Share Statutory Consultation - 13 November 2024 to 8 December 2024 on Linkedin Email Statutory Consultation - 13 November 2024 to 8 December 2024 linkEnfield Council is proposing a walking and cycling route from Enfield Town to Ponders End Station via Bush Hill Park and Lincoln Road. We first engaged the community on the early proposal for this route in early 2023 to hear suggestions for the route and any issues related to walking and cycling in the area that the project could address. This informed a concept design which was presented to the community in November 2023 for feedback during another period of engagement that ran until January 2024. The designs were revised following comments received from the community.
The project is being delivered in phases. The section through Bush Hill Park was completed in Summer 2024 and is now open to the public. A draft traffic order (TG52/1571) for the section from Eaton Road to Bush Hill Park via Seaford Road, Fotheringham Road and Cross Road, and the section of Percival Road, Bertram Road, and Clive Road has now been published and we invite you to make a representation or objection though the statutory consultation.
In addition, we welcome your comments on the possibility of introducing a Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) in the area that we are looking to deliver later as funding becomes available.
Information on upcoming events and how to share your views is enclosed in this letter.
About the proposals detailed in Traffic Order TG52/1571
The Enfield Town to Ponders End Walking and Cycling Route aims to make it safer and more for people walking, wheeling and cycling in the area.
The proposals feature:
- A northbound one-way street on Eaton Road between Queen’s Road and Southbury Road, with a contraflow cycle lane (meaning people can cycle in both directions, whereas people driving must follow the one-way system)
- A southbound bus gate on Fotheringham Road at the junction with Southbury Road. Only buses and cycle will be permitted to enter Fotheringham Road from Southbury Road, however all vehicles will be permitted to exit Fotheringham Road on to Southbury Road.
- A westbound bus gate on Cross Road at the junction with Fotheringham Road. Only buses and cycles will be permitted to travel west through the gate, however all vehicles will be permitted to travel east through the gate.
- A continuous footway on Fotheringham Road at the junction with Cross Road
- A new buildout at the entrance to Bush Hill Park
- A northbound one-way on Percival Road between Lincoln Road and Bert Way
- A southbound one-way on Bertram Road between Clive Way and Lincoln Road
- A 20mph zone on Percival Road, Bertram Road, Clive Road, Bert Way and Clive Way
- Speed humps to enforce the above 20mph zone.
As part of the public engagement carried out between November 2023 and January 2024, we heard that parking for residents in the area is often hard to find given the number of cars parked in these roads. In addition to the statutory consultation on TG52/1571, we invite your comments on a Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) in the area. A CPZ is a designated area whereby during the controlled hours, only permit holders (i.e. residents) may park in the bays. At other times, any driver may park there. Generally, CPZs make it easier for residents to park on the street where they live. A map of the proposed CPZ area can be found on the following page.
No designs have yet been produced for a CPZ. Comments received on the CPZ proposal will be considered separately and are not part of the statutory consultation that is being carried out. Should we progress with the proposal for a CPZ, it will be subject to statutory consultation at a later date. We will inform residents on the progress of this proposal.
We invite residents, businesses, and any other interested stakeholders to take part in the statutory consultation on these proposed changes. Please make your representation or objection in writing stating the grounds on which it is being made and quoting the reference TG52/1571 no later than 11:59pm on Sunday 8 December 2024. You can submit your objections or representations in any of the following ways:
- Online via the survey
- By email to journeysandplaces@enfield.gov.uk, or
- In writing to ATTN Journeys and Places, Enfield Council, Silver Street, EN1 3XA
Please join us at the following events to hear more about the project, find out how to take part in the statutory consultation, and share your comments with us on the additional elements of the project:
Webinar held on Microsoft Teams at
https://tinyurl.com/ET-PES-2024. Hear from the project team about the proposed designs and have the opportunity to ask questions.
6pm Monday 18 November 2024
Drop-in sessions at Wheatsheaf Hall, Main Avenue, Bush Hill Park, Enfield, London, EN1 1DS. Speak with the team about the project, ask questions on the proposed designs and complete the survey.
4.30pm – 6.30pm Wednesday 20 November 2024
10am – 12pm on Saturday 23 November 2024
Following the statutory consultation period, the Council will provide a formal response to any issues raised, and use the comments received as well as information from other monitoring activities to decide on whether to make changes to the scheme.
We look forward to hearing from you over the coming weeks.
Enfield Town to Ponders End Walking and Cycling Route - Engagement Report
Share Enfield Town to Ponders End Walking and Cycling Route - Engagement Report on Facebook Share Enfield Town to Ponders End Walking and Cycling Route - Engagement Report on Twitter Share Enfield Town to Ponders End Walking and Cycling Route - Engagement Report on Linkedin Email Enfield Town to Ponders End Walking and Cycling Route - Engagement Report linkThe engagement summary report, that summarises the findings of the community engagement carried out between November 2023 and January 2024, has been published. The report also outlines some revisions made to designs and the next steps in the progression of the scheme. The report can be viewed here.
Bush Hill Park Construction Update June 2024
Share Bush Hill Park Construction Update June 2024 on Facebook Share Bush Hill Park Construction Update June 2024 on Twitter Share Bush Hill Park Construction Update June 2024 on Linkedin Email Bush Hill Park Construction Update June 2024 linkWe are pleased to announce that the works in Bush Hill Park are now complete, and the new infrastructure is open for the public to use.
There are still some minor snagging items that will be picked up by our contractor in the coming weeks, however the park will remain open while this is completed.
We would like to thank you for your patience while we carried out the construction works in Bush Hill Park.
All Ability Cycling Hub
The All Ability Cycling Hub has now returned to normal, operating on Mondays from 10am-3pm and Fridays from 10am-2pm (Fridays run until the end of September) via the new path. As such new members can be catered for again.
Bush Hill Park Construction Update May 2024
Share Bush Hill Park Construction Update May 2024 on Facebook Share Bush Hill Park Construction Update May 2024 on Twitter Share Bush Hill Park Construction Update May 2024 on Linkedin Email Bush Hill Park Construction Update May 2024 linkWe are approaching the end of the construction works in Bush Hill Park. Our contractors are currently completing the works on the southern path and then inspections can be carried out on the new infrastructure prior to opening.
Unfortunately, due to inclement weather early on in the programme, our finish date has been delayed to June, rather than May as originally specified.
We anticipate that our contractors will open the new path in the early part of June, and we will notify when the park is fully open to the public again.
We apologise for the inconvenience this delay has caused.
Should you have any queries about these works, please contact the Journeys and Places team at JourneysandPlaces@enfield.gov.uk
All Ability Cycling Hub
The All Ability Cycling Hub is still operating in Bush Hill Park on Mondays from 10am – 3pm and Fridays from 10am – 2pm using a different route, however due to the construction works we are unable to cater to new members at present. When the works are completed, the Hub will resume as normal and new members will be catered for again. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
Bush Hill Park Construction Update March 2024
Share Bush Hill Park Construction Update March 2024 on Facebook Share Bush Hill Park Construction Update March 2024 on Twitter Share Bush Hill Park Construction Update March 2024 on Linkedin Email Bush Hill Park Construction Update March 2024 linkSince our previous update on the works in Bush Hill Park in February 2024, our contractors have completed works along the western section of the park, from the Cross Road entrance to the western entrance to the park on Lincoln Road. Lighting columns have also been installed along this section of the park.
Works currently underway
Works are currently underway to upgrade the existing path between the two entrances on Lincoln Road. Our contactors will then proceed to install the lighting columns along this section of the path once complete.
Upcoming works
When the above works are completed, our contractors will move on to the final phase of construction in Bush Hill Park, which includes installing lanterns on the lamp columns, planting turf/wildflower, and generally tidying up the park in anticipation of the new path being opened for public use.
We will continue to post updates as the works in Bush Hill Park progress.
Should you have any general queries about these works, please contact the Journeys and Places team at JourneysandPlaces@enfield.gov.uk
All Ability Cycling Hub
The All Ability Cycling Hub is still operating in Bush Hill Park on Mondays from 10am – 3pm using a different route, however due to the construction works we are unable to cater to new members at present. When the works are completed, the Hub will resume as normal and new members will be catered for again. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
Bush Hill Park Construction Update February 2024
Share Bush Hill Park Construction Update February 2024 on Facebook Share Bush Hill Park Construction Update February 2024 on Twitter Share Bush Hill Park Construction Update February 2024 on Linkedin Email Bush Hill Park Construction Update February 2024 linkThe works in Bush Hill Park commenced on 22nd January and our contractors are currently working on the section of the route which is situated in the north-west corner of the park at Cross Road.
Works currently underway
Works currently underway include the closing of the existing entrance to the park on Cross Road and the opening of a new, wider entrance to the park approximately 15m to the west of the existing entrance. A new path will be constructed to accommodate this new entrance which will re-join the existing path approximately 50m south of the new entrance. Ducting will also be installed to enable the installation of new lighting columns later in the construction phase.
Upcoming works
When the above works are completed, our contractors will move on to the next section of the route. This section of the route is located along the western side of the park, up to the western entrance on Lincoln Road.
The works will include upgrading the existing path at this location and the installation of ducting to enable new lighting columns to be installed later in the construction phase.
We will continue to post updates as the works in Bush Hill Park progress.
Should you have any general queries about these works, please contact the Journeys and Places team at JourneysandPlaces@enfield.gov.uk
All Ability Cycling Hub
The All Ability Cycling Hub is still operating in Bush Hill Park on Mondays from 10am – 3pm using a different route, however due to the construction works we are unable to cater to new members at present. When the works are completed, the Hub will resume as normal and new members will be catered for again. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
Notification of upcoming works – Bush Hill Park
Share Notification of upcoming works – Bush Hill Park on Facebook Share Notification of upcoming works – Bush Hill Park on Twitter Share Notification of upcoming works – Bush Hill Park on Linkedin Email Notification of upcoming works – Bush Hill Park linkThe works in Bush Hill Park are part of the wider Enfield Town to Ponders End Station Walking and Cycling Route. As set out in the webinar in November 2023, the scheme is separated into different sections due to the length and complexity of the route. The Bush Hill Park section has been progressed ahead of the other sections of the route due to it being off the public highway. These works will enhance the environment in the park and bring benefits to those that use the facilities there, including the All Ability Cycling Hub scheme which the Journeys and Places team deliver. Therefore, even if the route of the wider scheme is altered following the recent engagement period the team are of the view that there are benefits from this particular section.
We understand that construction works can cause some disruption and we apologise in advance for any inconvenience caused. We will look to minimise disturbance as much as possible and work within acceptable hours, but we appreciate your co-operation and understanding whilst the works are undertaken.
The works in the park are scheduled to commence on 22 January and anticipated to last for a duration of 12 weeks, however this can be affected by factors outside our control such as inclement weather.
We are currently collating the comments and concerns raised on the wider route and this will be presented in the format of an engagement summary report, which will be made available to the public when ready. We will take this information into account when we progress to the next stage of design and action accordingly.
Should you have any general queries about the upcoming works, please contact the Journeys and Places team at JourneysandPlaces@enfield.gov.uk
Signup Banner
Key Dates
16 January → 12 February 2023
08 August 2023
22 November 2023
28 November 2023
02 December 2023
06 December 2023
07 January 2024
January 2024
June 2024
October 2024
13 November 2024
18 November 2024
20 November 2024
23 November 2024
08 December 2024
February 2025
Document Library
Traffic Orders
Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ)
Statutory Consultation Plans - NOVEMBER 2024
Enfield Town to Ponders End Walking & Cycling Route - Scheme Map November 2024 (1.49 MB) (jpg)
Enfield Town to Ponders End Walking & Cycling Route - Revised Proposals November 2024 (2.17 MB) (jpg)
Eaton Road to Bush Hill Park - TMO Drawings (1.2 MB) (pdf)
Percival Road, Bertram Road, and Clive Road - TMO Drawings (1.35 MB) (pdf)
Enfield Town to Ponders End Walking & Cycling Route A1 Boards (9.33 MB) (pdf)
Proposed plan - NOVEMBER 2023
Proposed plan - Enfield Town to Ponders End Station Walking and Cycling Route - NOVEMBER 2023 (2.86 MB) (jpg)
Location Plan - NOVEMBER 2023 (2.92 MB) (pdf)
Southbury Road section - NOVEMBER 2023 (7.57 MB) (pdf)
Eaton Rd, Seaford Rd, Fotheringham Rd, Cross Rd section - NOVEMBER 2023 (8.52 MB) (pdf)
Bush Hill Park section - NOVEMBER 2023 (10.1 MB) (pdf)
Lincoln Road section - NOVEMBER 2023 (28.2 MB) (pdf)
Percival Rd, Bertram Rd, Clive Rd section - NOVEMBER 2023 (9.7 MB) (pdf)
Key project documents
Letters and reports
Letter to residents January 2023 (601 KB) (pdf)
Engagement Summary Report August 2023 (1.14 MB) (pdf)
Letter to residents November 2023 (291 KB) (pdf)
Enfield Town to Ponders End Walking & Cycling Route Project Update - October 2024.pdf (7.57 MB) (pdf)
Enfield Town to Ponders End Station - Statutory Consultation Letter Nov 2024.pdf (620 KB) (pdf)
Enfield Town to Ponders End Station - Works Notification Letter Feb 2025.pdf (204 KB) (pdf)
- What are the timelines for the project?
- How has the community been engaged in the project so far?
- How have the proposals changed since earlier engagement with the community?
- What is a bus gate and how will vehicle movements be affected in the area?
- Why have speed humps been included in the proposals for Percival Road, Bertram Road, and Clive Road?
- What are continuous footways?
Important Links
Who's Listening
Enfield Council