Project update April 2023
Enfield Council has heard from the community about their ideas and feedback on the plans for the Enfield Town project over four phases. The four phases of community engagement have demonstrated the desire to improve the town centre for everyone who lives, works, and visits the area. Thank you to everyone who took part and shared their thoughts with us during the fourth phase of engagement delivered from July to October 2022 prior to us commencing detailed design work. A report summarising the results of the Phase 4 engagement has been published and can be found here.
Enfield Council has now received funding from TfL for the forthcoming year, which will enable the project to progress through the detailed design stage.
Statutory consultation is also planned to take place later this year on some elements of the project, and subject to the outcome of the consultation, selected parts of the wider scheme are hoped to be implemented next. The scope of the works will be guided by the funding available for implementation.
We will write to the community with more details on the statutory consultation and planned works closer to the time.