Further opportunity for feedback: A review of Meadway
In response to the feedback received during the trial period, the Council has committed to looking at a number of improvements to the scheme.
The Council would like to hear further views on whether the scheme would work better for residents if the current restriction on Meadway was removed entirely, or operated on a timed basis. No decision has been made on this idea, but it is something we would like to explore further, gaining greater clarity on your preferences. If this idea is taken forward, further consultation will take place. Alongside your views, further work will be undertaken to consider the traffic impacts of this proposal.
Please complete a short survey to let us know what you think about Meadway:
Scroll to the bottom of this page to the ‘Surveys & Forms’ tab, and
Select the link to the survey labelled ‘Survey – Meadway’
If you require a paper copy of the survey, please email healthystreets@enfield.gov.uk, or call 020 8132 0981 and leave your name and postal address, and state your request for a Fox Lane QN paper survey. Alternatively, you can write to us at: ATTN Healthy Streets team, Enfield Council, Silver Street, London EN1 3XA.
This survey will remain open until 11.59pm on Sunday 22nd May 2022.
This project has now concluded.