Statutory consultation: Proposed changes to parking and waiting restrictions in The Walk

Enfield Council is proposing changes to waiting restrictions along the Fox Lane bridge and to parking restrictions on Fox Lane between the railway bridge and Pellipar Close. We are writing to you because you may be affected by some of the proposed changes.

A letter was previously issued to you inviting you to make an objection or representation as part of the statutory consultation on the draft traffic order TG52/1504. The design has been amended to address feedback received from residents and stakeholders and the draft traffic order has been amended to reflect these changes. The updated design includes:

  • changes to waiting along the north and the south side of Fox Lane bridge to ensure these areas are kept clear for the movement of traffic. This includes the introduction of new “at any time” waiting restrictions along the Fox Lane bridge; and
  • changes to parking on Fox Lane between the railway bridge and Pellipar Close. This includes removing sections of yellow lines to introduce approximately 5 unrestricted parking spaces.

More information

More information, including plans of the proposed changes and the draft traffic order, can be viewed under the ‘Important Links’ section on the right-hand side of this page.

Have your say

Please view the proposed changes here.

We invite residents, businesses, and any other interested stakeholders to take part in the statutory consultation on the draft traffic order. Please make your representation or objection in writing stating the grounds on which it is being made and quoting the reference TG52/1536 no later than 11.59pm on Sunday 23 July 2023. You can submit your objections or representations in any of the following ways:

Following the statutory consultation, a summary of the objections and representations will be produced. Enfield Council will provide a response and use the comments received to make a decision on whether or not to make the proposed changes. More information about the project can be found on the project page

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This project has now concluded.
