Changes to waiting restrictions in The Walk
Enfield Council is making changes to waiting restrictions on the north side of the Fox Lane Bridge, between Palmadium Close and Pellipar Close. This includes the introduction of new “at any time” waiting restrictions along the northern side of Fox Lane Bridge which aim to keep the area clear for the movement of traffic and ensure that the flow of traffic will not be obstructed by parked vehicles.
Earlier this year Enfield Council proposed these changes under draft Traffic Management Order TG52/1536, which was subject to a statutory consultation held in June and July 2023. Following a review of the objections and representations received through the statutory consultation, a decision has been made to make part of the traffic order and therefore implement the following changes.
Proposed changes that will be implemented:
- changes to waiting restrictions along the northern side of Fox Lane Bridge between Palmadium Close and Pellipar Close to ensure this area is kept clear for the movement of traffic. This includes the introduction of new “at any time” waiting restrictions in Fox Lane N13. This is to prevent parking and ensure this area is kept clear for the movement of traffic.
Proposed changes that will not be implemented:
- changes to waiting restrictions along the southern side of Fox Lane Bridge to ensure these areas are kept clear for the movement of traffic and revoke the section of the “Monday to Saturday 8am to 6.30pm” waiting restriction on Fox Lane, south-east of the railway bridge, to provide unrestricted parking spaces.
The advertised traffic order TG52/1536 as well as the Council’s response to the objections received can be found in the ‘Document Library’ of the
Thank you to everyone who took part in this statutory consultation.
This project has now concluded.