Update 4 July 2021
Consultation Survey – closing Sunday 11 July 2021
We delivered a letter to residents in mid-May advising that the consultation survey which has been open since 12 October 2020 will close on Sunday 11 July 2021. If you have not done so already, please complete the survey by clicking on the ‘Surveys and Forms’ tab above and selecting ‘Consultation – Fox Lane & Surroundings Streets Quieter Neighbourhood’.
Experimental Traffic Order
The scheme has been implemented as a trial under an Experimental Traffic Order (ETO). We modified the traffic order on 19 November 2020 to change the type of modal filter on Conway Road at its junction with Fox Lane. The modal filter under the initial ETO was a bollard that restricted all motor traffic at that location. The modal filter is now a camera enforced closure point to motor vehicles enabling unhindered access for emergency services as set out in the modified ETO. The intent of the traffic order was clear, however we identified that the notice of modification included a minor error. A new ETO has now been made to redefine the restriction in Conway Road at its junction with Fox Lane. Experimental Traffic Orders are usually valid for a period of 18 months, however we have specified that this order will remain in force no later than 7 March 2022 to coincide with the latest date of the initial traffic order. The new ETO can be viewed at this link.
No changes to the layout of filters in the area or how they operate are being made under this new traffic order. This new traffic order does not change the project in any way with respect to making a decision on whether to make the wider trial permanent, make changes or remove it. We continue to monitor the trial and will be reviewing the outcomes of the public consultation to inform a future decision about the trial.
UPDATED 24/11/2021 - What does the new Experimental Traffic Order mean for the Fox Lane Area QN consultation?
Objections and representations can continue to be made up until 11 January 2022. All responses received between the closing of the consultation survey on 11 July 2021 and 11 January 2022 will be considered alongside objections and representations previously made.
Please make your objection or representation in writing stating the grounds on which it is being made and quoting the reference TG52/1451. You can send this via one of the following means:
• By email to traffic@enfield.gov.uk, or
• By writing to ATTN Healthy Streets, Enfield Council, Silver St, Enfield, EN1 3XA.
Objections received via email to HealthyStreets@enfield.gov.uk will also continue to be considered. Objections must be received by 11.59pm on Tuesday 11 January 2022. Please note that any letter or email you write to the Council in response to the ETO may, upon written request, be made available to the press or to the public.
Please note the information in this section was updated on 24/11/2021.
Monitoring of traffic in the area
You may have noticed that we carried out some traffic surveys on several surrounding roads earlier in June as part of our monitoring of the trial. These surveys collected traffic data for a week starting on 7 June. They were placed on the ground early ahead of data collection which started on 7 June after half-term.
We are carrying out further traffic counts this week to collect data before the end of the school year. In light of the recent government announcement delaying further easing of restrictions beyond 21 June, we will be considering any impacts of ongoing restrictions due to Covid-19 on data collected.
In addition to traffic surveys which collects data on numbers and speeds of vehicles, we are also monitoring bus journey times in the area as outlined in our monitoring plan.
This project has now concluded.