Update 4 March 2021
Please find below an update on a number of aspects of the Fox Lane and Surrounding Streets Quieter Neighbourhood.
Experimental Traffic Order and Key Dates
The consultation survey has been live since mid October 2020. We are receiving lots of responses and we thank you for taking the time to share your comments. The scheme has been implemented as a trial under an Experimental Traffic Order (ETO) which allows us to make changes to the scheme. Following early feedback we changed the modal filter (consisting of planters which enabled cycles only to pass through) on Conway Road near its junction with Fox Lane to a camera enforced closure. This was done by modifying the ETO on the 19th November 2020 – the modified ETO can be found on the right hand side of the page under the Document Library. As a result, the statutory consultation period now ends six months after the modification was made, on the 19th May 2021.
We are continuing to monitor the area and feedback received, whilst recognising travel patterns have been highly variable since we implemented the scheme as a result of the impacts of Covid-19.
Whilst the statutory consultation period ends on the 19th May 2021, the ETO continues to be live until March 2022 (18 months since the ETO was initially made). Owing to the current situation, we have delayed the collection of traffic surveys until such a time that we can gather data that is reflective of ‘more normal’ traffic conditions. This is unlikely to occur until after the easing of Government restrictions. A decision will not be made until this comprehensive data is available. As we move towards making a decision on the scheme we will continue to provide updates and will also publish more detail on our monitoring approach to help explain this.
Ongoing Feedback and Equalities Impact Assessment
If you have not done so already, please provide feedback via the Consultation - Fox Lane & Surrounding Streets Quieter Neighbourhood survey on the Surveys & Forms tab on this page.
A particular focus area for us over the next few months is engaging specifically with members of the community with disabilities, representative groups of people with disabilities, and carers. We have contacted Blue Badge holders directly with a further survey to gather more insights. We will also directly contact those who have completed the Consultation - Fox Lane & Surrounding Streets Quieter Neighbourhood survey on this page and identified as having a disability, receiving care assistance in their home, or as a carer. The feedback collected will inform our ongoing Equalities Impact Assessment and be considered alongside feedback collected through the main consultation survey and other monitoring activities when making decisions on the future of the scheme.
Electric Vehicles
You may be aware Enfield Council has advertised the intention to install electric vehicle chargers in lamp columns on a number of streets in Enfield as part of a trial. Whilst this project is being managed by another team in the Council, the combination of a range of initiatives will contribute towards achieving the aims of strategies such as the Climate Action Plan and Health & Wellbeing work. Details of this can be found at this link.
This project has now concluded.