Bull Lane bus gate & Shaftesbury Road proposals
Following the conclusion of the statutory consultation on the draft traffic orders TG52 / 1514, Enfield Council are proceeding to implement the proposed changes to the original proposals for a modal filter at the junction of Shaftesbury Road with Bull Lane and a bus gate at the southern end of Bull Lane as part of the North Middlesex Hospital Active Travel Improvements project. The original proposals had been approved by the Council for implementation in February 2022.
Responses received during the statutory consultation period have been reviewed and considered by the Council. Enfield Council’s responses to the objections and representations made can be seen here.
The main changes do not affect the purpose of the previous proposals which was to ensure that the volume of traffic that passes through the section of Bull Lane south of its junction with Wilbury Way and Bridport Road is reduced to make it safer for people to walk and cycle without the need for segregated cycle facilities. In addition, the changes continue to support the core aims of this project which are to improve walking and cycling access to North Middlesex Hospital and contribute towards a long-term increase in the levels of active travel.
The changes to the original proposals for a modal filter at the junction of Shaftesbury Road are as follows:
- The modal filter at the junction of Shaftesbury Road with Bull Lane will be changed to a point closure that will prohibit people driving vehicles on Bull Lane from turning into Shaftesbury Road, but will allow them to travel westbound on Shaftesbury Road and turn right into Bull Lane.
- People driving motor vehicles travelling westbound on Shaftesbury Road will be prohibited from turning left into Bull Lane.
- Footway buildouts will be installed at both the north and south corners of the junction of Shaftesbury Road with Bull Lane.
- The previously proposed on-street parking bay at the west side of Bull Lane will be removed and an on-street parking bay of a similar length and capacity will be provided at the east side of Bull Lane.
- The single on-street parking bay at the west end of Shaftesbury Road will be removed and loading restrictions will be introduced.
The reason for the changes mentioned above is to facilitate egress of Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs) facing the westbound direction which serve the existing businesses on the western part of Shaftesbury Road. Without a change to the original proposal, westbound facing HGVs would not be able to undertake turning manoeuvres in order to proceed in an eastbound direction and egress via Commercial Road due to insufficient space at Shaftesbury Road.
The changes to the original proposals for a bus gate at the southern end of Bull Lane are as follows:
- The bus gate at the southern end of Bull Lane will be relocated approximately 25 metres northwards.
- The previously proposed planters at the bus gate will be changed to carriageway buildouts.
- Short sections of on-street parking bays immediately north and south of the newly proposed bus gate location will be removed.
The reason for the changes mentioned above is to accommodate an access point to the potential future Selby Urban Village development.
The associated Notice of Making, Statement of Reasons, and Traffic Management Orders will be advertised in due course and will be made publicly available, with a relevant link provided on the project page.
This project has now concluded.