Bowes East Quieter Neighbourhood

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Enfield Council is working to make the borough safer, healthier and more vibrant, and enable more people to walk, wheel, cycle and access public transport. As part of the Journeys and Places programme, the Council is looking to deliver a Quieter Neighbourhood (QN) in the Bowes East area within the streets bounded by the A406 Bowes Road, Green Lanes, Berkshire Gardens at the boundary with Haringey Council, and Melville Gardens.

What is a Quieter Neighbourhood?

Over the last few years, Enfield Council has taken action to re-design many of our streets, introducing new pedestrian crossings, segregated cycle lanes, School Streets and cycle parking alongside other initiatives such as cycle training and free bike repairs. Quieter Neighbourhoods form part of this comprehensive approach that the Council is taking to reduce the speeds and volume of motor vehicles in the area and create an attractive and safe environment for people to travel by active and sustainable modes, such as walking and cycling. The long-term benefits we hope to see include improvements in people’s health, less congestion and safer roads, and improved air quality.

The Council has already introduced two Quieter Neighbourhoods in the Fox Lane Area and Bowes Primary Area.

The Quieter Neighbourhood initiative considers the introduction of features such as:

  • Modal filters that allow people walking and cycling through, as well as emergency services. All streets are accessible by car but some routes may be subject to change;
  • one-way streets;
  • School Streets and;
  • cycle parking.

Why is a Quieter Neighbourhood being proposed in Bowes East?

Bowes East has been chosen as one of the next QN areas because the area has poor air quality compared with other areas in Enfield, poor health and deprivation indicators that could be improved with active travel, two schools within the area and limited areas of open space.

Enfield Council is working to make the borough safer, healthier and more vibrant, and enable more people to walk, wheel, cycle and access public transport. As part of the Journeys and Places programme, the Council is looking to deliver a Quieter Neighbourhood (QN) in the Bowes East area within the streets bounded by the A406 Bowes Road, Green Lanes, Berkshire Gardens at the boundary with Haringey Council, and Melville Gardens.

What is a Quieter Neighbourhood?

Over the last few years, Enfield Council has taken action to re-design many of our streets, introducing new pedestrian crossings, segregated cycle lanes, School Streets and cycle parking alongside other initiatives such as cycle training and free bike repairs. Quieter Neighbourhoods form part of this comprehensive approach that the Council is taking to reduce the speeds and volume of motor vehicles in the area and create an attractive and safe environment for people to travel by active and sustainable modes, such as walking and cycling. The long-term benefits we hope to see include improvements in people’s health, less congestion and safer roads, and improved air quality.

The Council has already introduced two Quieter Neighbourhoods in the Fox Lane Area and Bowes Primary Area.

The Quieter Neighbourhood initiative considers the introduction of features such as:

  • Modal filters that allow people walking and cycling through, as well as emergency services. All streets are accessible by car but some routes may be subject to change;
  • one-way streets;
  • School Streets and;
  • cycle parking.

Why is a Quieter Neighbourhood being proposed in Bowes East?

Bowes East has been chosen as one of the next QN areas because the area has poor air quality compared with other areas in Enfield, poor health and deprivation indicators that could be improved with active travel, two schools within the area and limited areas of open space.

  • Update on the Bowes East QN

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    Enfield Council delivered a statutory consultation on the draft Traffic Order TG52/1568 relating to the Bowes East Quieter Neighbourhood from 25 September to 20 October 2024. Thank you to everyone who took part to share their views and attend an event. The statutory consultation report summarising feedback received during this period can be found here.

    Despite significant progress in developing a scheme aimed at delivering benefits for students, parents, and the wider community, we regret to inform you that the project is being paused.

    Following further engagement with local schools – Tottenhall Infant School and St Michael-at-Bowes CoE Primary School – additional concerns were raised about aspects of the proposed School Street. While many responses to the engagement process were positive, the schools have indicated that they do not wish to proceed with a School Street at this stage.

    The objectives of the proposed School Street are to improve safety, accessibility, and air quality around the school, aligning with broader ambitions to create healthier and more active travel options for children. As the School Street was a key element of the Bowes East Quieter Neighbourhood proposal, we are unable to move forward with the implementation the Quieter Neighbourhood at this time without support from the schools.

    We know that many parents and residents value safer streets and improved routes for walking and cycling, and we encourage continued discussions on how we can work together to ensure our streets remain safe and welcoming for all.

    This project page contains information on the history of the project and will be updated should the project recommence in the future. For any questions you may also contact the Journeys and Places team at

  • Statutory Consultation - 25 September 2024 to 20 October 2024

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    We now invite you to participate in the upcoming statutory consultation on the draft Traffic Order TG52/1568 for proposed changes as part of the Bowes East Quieter Neighbourhood. The statutory consultation closes at midnight on Sunday 20 October 2024.

    In January and February 2024, we heard from the community on a proposed concept design for the Bowes East Quieter Neighbourhood, designed following engagement with local residents, businesses, and other stakeholders that took place in September and October 2023. This proposal aims to create a healthier, greener, and safer neighbourhood for all.

    The proposals feature the following improvements as detailed in draft Traffic Order TG52/1568:

    • A new School Street on Grenoble Gardens and Tottenhall Road to improve safety and air quality around St Michael-at-Bowes School and Tottenhall School during pick-up and drop-off times
    • Implementation of greening and a continuous footway at the bottom of St Cuthberts Road to provide a more attractive environment and reduce the risk of flooding in the area
    • Implementation of greening at the southern end of Fairbrook Road, next to the closure at Grenoble Gardens
    • Introduction of a speed cushion on Melville Gardens to improve safety along the corridor.

    We will also be introducing a no right turn westbound on Grenoble Gardens during PM-peaks (4pm - 7pm) on an experimental basis to reduce queues and improve safety in the area. This intervention will be delivered using an Experimental Traffic Order (ETO) which can be in place for up to 18 months. We have a statutory obligation to consult residents and businesses within the project area once the ETO is in place. We refer to this as delivering a ‘trial’ of this intervention. This allows us to make changes to this element of the scheme as we monitor how it operates in practice. We will inform residents of when this statutory consultation launches and how to take part once the ETO is in place.

    See a map of the proposal below:

    We invite residents, businesses, and any other interested stakeholders to take part in the statutory consultation on these proposed changes. Please make your representation or objection in writing stating the grounds on which it is being made and quoting the reference TG52/1568 no later than 11.59pm on Sunday 20 October 2024. You can submit your objections or representations in any of the following ways:

    We invite you to view the proposed plan and get involved in one or more of the following activities and events:

    Webinar held on Microsoft Teams at Hear from the project team about the proposed designs and have the opportunity to ask questions.

    6pm Wednesday 2 October 2024

    Drop-in session at St Michael-at-Bowes Church of England Junior School, N13 6JB: Speak with the team about the project, share your feedback on the proposed designs.

    4.00pm – 6.00pm Tuesday

    8 October 2024

    Drop-in session at St Michael-at-Bowes Church of England Junior School, N13 6JB: Speak with the team about the project, share your feedback on the proposed designs.

    10am – 12pm


    12 October 2024

    Following the statutory consultation period, the Council will provide a formal response to any issues raised, and use the comments received as well as information from other monitoring activities to decide on whether to make changes to the scheme.

    We look forward to hearing from you over the coming weeks.

  • Phase 2 Engagement Report and Traffic Analysis

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    From 17 January to 11 February 2024, we heard from residents, businesses, community groups and others in the Bowes East community on the proposed plan for the Quieter Neighbourhood in the area. This followed the engagement with the community held in September and October 2023 that informed the recently presented concept design.

    Thank you to everyone who took part in the engagement. In total, 226 people provided their feedback on the proposal, and 119 residents spoke with us across two drop-in events. Many more engaged in other ways such as workshops, webinars, or via correspondence. From this feedback, we heard concerns regarding accessibility to and from the area, particularly due to the proposed banned right-turns. We also heard from many people who were supportive of the proposed School Street on Tottenhall Road and Grenoble Gardens. The Engagement Findings Summary Report provides an overview of the engagement approach, who participated, and findings from the comments received. The full report can be found here.

    In December 2023 we undertook traffic surveys to understand the volumes and traffic routes in and around the area. This data has been summarised and can be found here. From analysis of this data, it was identified that while traffic volumes in the area were lower than anticipated, large vehicle queue lengths were evident on Grenoble Gardens especially during peak afternoon (PM) hours.

    In light of the feedback received from the community and the results of the traffic survey, we will be making revisions to the design that we proposed earlier this year. This includes:

    • Not proceeding with the proposal of banned right turns eastbound onto Wolves Lane/Melville Gardens.

    • Reviewing the proposed banned right turns westbound onto Green Lanes whilst we investigate the issue of vehicles queueing on Grenoble Gardens.

    We are continuing with further exploration of a School Street on Grenoble Gardens and Tottenhall Road, improved crossings, traffic calming, and greening.

    We are currently working on updating the proposals. Once these are complete, we will move forward with our next phase of engagement which will be Statutory Consultation. We will write to residents at that time to inform the community of the opportunity to provide a representation or objection to the draft Traffic Order. Updates will also be published on this page.

  • Update to the Proposed Interventions Map

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    On 17 January 2024 we commenced the second phase of community engagement on the proposed Bowes East Quieter Neighbourhood. We delivered letters to residents and businesses in the area which included a map of the proposed interventions. Thank you to those who are already engaging with us on the proposals. In response to feedback received, we have made some minor updates to the map to display the proposed interventions more clearly. The updated map can be found in the ‘Maps & Drawings’ folder in the document section of this webpage.

    The updates include:

    • Changed the sign at the junction of Melville Gardens with the A406 from a banned right turn to a left turn only, to correctly reflect the existing permitted movement at this junction.
    • Changed the icon of the proposed pedestrian crossing upgrade to help differentiate between that and the existing pedestrian crossings.
    • Included a shape to better show the location of the School Street camera enforced timed closures.
    • Removed the existing one-way traffic arrow from Princes Avenue, east of Fairbrook Road, as this section of road has two-way traffic. The inclusion of the one-way traffic arrow was an error and there are no proposals to make this section of Princes Avenue one-way.
    • Added an existing gate that is located on Fairbrook Road.
    • Updated the graphics for the proposed traffic calming measures to show that these would be considered along Melville Gardens/Wolves Lane. We do not yet have specific locations for traffic calming features, but wanted to share that traffic calming is being considered along this stretch of road.
  • Phase 2 engagement open to provide feedback

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    Enfield Council wants to create healthier, greener, and safer neighbourhoods. In September and October 2023, we heard from the community about their ideas for the proposed Bowes East Quieter Neighbourhood, and about current issues that could be addressed through the project. Thank you to everyone who spoke with us at an event, shared your comments via the online interactive map, and emailed us with your views. The summary report of this engagement phase has been published on the project page (link below). Using these community insights, we have now developed a design proposal for the Bowes East Quieter Neighbourhood, and invite residents to share your views with us to help inform the development of this design.

    The next phase of community engagement starts on Wednesday 17 January 2024 and will run until Sunday 11 February 2024. We invite you to view the proposed plan and get involved in one or more of the following (continued overleaf):

    Online survey: Share your views to help inform the design for the area here.

    Open now until Sunday 11 February 2024

    Drop-in session at Trinity-at-Bowes Centre Plus Community Centre, N22 8RA: Speak with the team about the project, share your feedback on the proposed designs.

    4.30pm – 6.30pm Thursday 25 January 2024

    Drop-in session at Trinity-at-Bowes Centre Plus Community Centre, N22 8RA: Speak with the team about the project, share your feedback on the proposed designs.

    10am – 12pm

    Saturday 3 February 2024

    Webinar held on Microsoft Teams at Hear from the project team about the proposed designs and have the opportunity to ask questions.

    6pm Wednesday 7 February 2024

    You can also email your ideas and issues to us at or write to us at:

    ATTN Journeys and Places, Enfield Council, Civic Centre, Silver St, London EN1 3XA.

    Once this phase of community engagement has concluded, we will publish a summary document which captures the feedback we have heard from residents, businesses, and other stakeholders as well as explaining the next steps.

    We look forward to listening to your views over the coming weeks

  • Early Engagement Summary Report

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    Thank you to everyone who took part in the engagement opportunity we hosted for the Bowes East Quieter Neighbourhood in autumn this year. We have now published the Engagement Summary Report which can be found under the ‘Documents’ tab on the right hand side of this project page. The report details the process we undertook to engage people in this project and hear your ideas and issues that could inform the design. It includes information on who took part and summarises what we heard from participants. These findings will be considered throughout the design process as we progress this project.

    The next project phase will involve finalising a proposed design that will be shared with the public early in the new year for feedback.

    We would like to thank the participants for getting involved and sharing their ideas and issues with us.

  • End of first community engagement phase

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    The recent community engagement period for the Bowes East Quieter Neighbourhood commenced on Monday 11 September and closed on Sunday 8 October 2023. A range of activities were undertaken during this time including drop-in sessions, business surveying, online webinars, an online interactive map to collect current issues and ideas, and workshops with schools.

    The Journeys and Places team would like to thank everyone who participated in these events.

    An engagement findings report that summarises the engagement activities and what we heard is being prepared and will be shared on the project page later this year.

  • Community engagement open to share your ideas

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    Enfield Council is proposing a Quieter Neighbourhood in the Bowes East area and has launched a period of community engagement to hear from residents.

    We want to hear from you about your ideas that could be incorporated into the plans for the Quieter Neighbourhood, and any current issues you think the project could address.

    Share your ideas and issues with us via the interactive map on the project page where you may drop a pin within the purple shaded area and provide your ideas as well as identify issues in the area. The map will be open for you to share your comments until midnight on Sunday 8 October 2023.

    We will be holding a webinar on the Monday 2 October at 6pm where we will present the project and invite attendees to ask questions of the project team, and drop-in sessions will be held on Wednesday 20 and Saturday 30 September for residents to speak with the team, find out more about the project and share their ideas and issues. More information on these activities can be found in the Key Dates section of this project page.

    Throughout the engagement period we will also be speaking with businesses, disability groups and schools in the area to gather their ideas and issues to inform the Bowes East Quieter Neighbourhood.

Page last updated: 06 Mar 2025, 04:04 PM