Brownlow Road Walking and Cycling Route

Enfield Council is proposing improvements to walking and cycling along a short section of Brownlow Road from Goring Road to York Road. This project is part of the Council’s work to enable people to walk, wheel and cycle throughout Enfield including making neighbourhoods safe for all road users, and is being delivered by the Journeys and Places programme (formerly the Healthy Streets programme).
The Brownlow Road Walking and Cycling Route aims to enable more people to travel safely in the area by walking and cycling, and connect to nearby routes in the area.
On this project page you can find:
- Key project dates
- Project updates (below)
- Document library
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- Question and Answer tool for residents to ask us questions about this project (below)
Enfield Council is proposing improvements to walking and cycling along a short section of Brownlow Road from Goring Road to York Road. This project is part of the Council’s work to enable people to walk, wheel and cycle throughout Enfield including making neighbourhoods safe for all road users, and is being delivered by the Journeys and Places programme (formerly the Healthy Streets programme).
The Brownlow Road Walking and Cycling Route aims to enable more people to travel safely in the area by walking and cycling, and connect to nearby routes in the area.
On this project page you can find:
- Key project dates
- Project updates (below)
- Document library
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- Question and Answer tool for residents to ask us questions about this project (below)
Completion of construction
Share Completion of construction on Facebook Share Completion of construction on Twitter Share Completion of construction on Linkedin Email Completion of construction linkWe are pleased to announce the successful completion of the Brownlow Road Walking and Cycling Route project. This project introduced significant improvements for people walking and cycling, including:
- a cycle lane on the west side of Brownlow Road between Goring Road and York Road, providing a safer route for cyclists travelling between east and west
- two raised table zebra crossings to enhance pedestrian safety and reduce traffic speeds
- new buildouts featuring rain gardens which add greenery to the area while providing sustainable urban drainage.
We appreciate your patience and support throughout the construction phase. These improvements are part of our ongoing commitment to creating safer, more enjoyable public spaces and enabling more people to choose walking, wheeling and cycling as they move around Enfield.
Construction update
Share Construction update on Facebook Share Construction update on Twitter Share Construction update on Linkedin Email Construction update linkIn March 2023, we wrote to you about Enfield Council’s proposal to introduce improvements to walking and cycling from the Goring Road to York Road section along Brownlow Road. A decision to implement this project has now been made and we are writing to inform you of upcoming construction works. This project is being delivered by the Council’s Journeys and Places programme which works to enable people to walk, wheel and cycle throughout Enfield, and to make neighbourhoods safer for all road users.
We invited residents to share ideas and any issues relating to this project in January 2023 at community events, a webinar, and via a survey hosted on the Let’s Talk Enfield website. The comments we heard during this engagement period helped inform the design for this project, which aims to enable more people to travel safely in the area by walking and cycling, and connect to nearby routes in the area.
A draft traffic order TG52/1555 for Brownlow Road, Goring Road, and York Road was published in January 2024 and anyone could make a representation or objection via the statutory consultation that was held. Following this, a decision was made to implement the project and proceed with construction of the project.
The project will deliver:
- a cycle lane on the west side of Brownlow Road between Goring Road and York Road to enable people to cycle safely from east to west;
- two raised table zebra crossings to enhance pedestrian safety and reduce traffic speed
- buildouts that feature rain gardens to bring greenery to the area and provide sustainable urban drainage.
Construction works are scheduled to commence on Monday 8 July 2024 and are expected to last for approximately 12 weeks. The works will be carried out under a series of traffic management layouts including road narrowing and temporary traffic signals. Some small periods of road closures may be required; advanced warning signs will be set out with the dates and times closer to the time. Please note the schedule is subject to change due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances.
More information
We understand that construction works of this nature can cause some disruption and we apologise for any inconvenience caused. We and our contractor work hard to ensure that disruption is minimised where possible whilst the works are undertaken.
Should you have any queries about the upcoming works please contact our contractor Kenson Highways at If your question is about the project, please contact the Enfield Council Journeys and Places team at
To view the designs and for more information, please visit the project page at
Notice of Making and Statutory Consultation Response to Objections
Share Notice of Making and Statutory Consultation Response to Objections on Facebook Share Notice of Making and Statutory Consultation Response to Objections on Twitter Share Notice of Making and Statutory Consultation Response to Objections on Linkedin Email Notice of Making and Statutory Consultation Response to Objections linkThank you to those who took part in the statutory consultation on the proposed introduction of raised pedestrian crossings and changes to waiting restrictions on Brownlow Road (reference TG52/1555) earlier this year.
Following careful consideration of the objections and representations received, it has been decided to progress with the implementation of the Brownlow Road Walking and Cycling Route project and make the above traffic order.
The Notice of Making of the traffic order details the proposed introduction of raised pedestrian crossings and changes to waiting restrictions on Brownlow Road (reference TG52/1555). The Notice of Making, Statement of Reasons, and the Traffic Management Order can be viewed here.
The document containing the Council’s response to objections has been published on the project page and can be viewed here.
What is next?
Construction for those works is set to begin in early July. Residents and businesses in the vicinity will receive detailed information via letters prior to the start of the work
We would like to thank everyone who got involved and shared their views with us throughout the project.
Statutory Consultation – Brownlow Road
Share Statutory Consultation – Brownlow Road on Facebook Share Statutory Consultation – Brownlow Road on Twitter Share Statutory Consultation – Brownlow Road on Linkedin Email Statutory Consultation – Brownlow Road linkIn March 2023 we wrote to you about Enfield Council’s proposal to introduce improvements to walking and cycling from the Goring Road to York Road section along Brownlow Road. We invited you to share your ideas and any issues relating to this project that is being proposed as part of the Journeys and Places programme. This engagement period informed the design for this project which aims to deliver an upgraded crossing to enhance the safety of people, walking, wheeling, and cycling, and add some greenery to the area.
The proposed interventions aim to deliver the following:
- Implementation of a cycle lane on the west side of Brownlow Road between Goring Road and York Road;
- Provision of two raised table zebra crossings; and
- Implementation of buildouts that feature rain gardens.
More information
More information, including plans of the proposed changes and the draft traffic order can be found on the project page under 'Documents - Traffic order'.
Have your say
The interventions are detailed in the draft traffic order TG52/1555 which can be viewed on the Enfield Council website here. A copy of the draft traffic order can also be viewed on this project page under 'Documents - Traffic order'.
We invite residents, businesses, and any other interested stakeholders to take part in the statutory consultation on these proposed changes. Please make your representation or objection in writing stating the grounds on which it is being made and quoting the reference TG52/1555 no later than 11.59pm on Sunday 25 February 2024. You can submit your objections or representations in any of the following ways:
- online via the survey at
- by email to, or
- in writing to Journeys and Places, Enfield Council, Silver Street, Enfield, EN1 3XA.
Following the statutory consultation, a formal report will be produced that summarises the feedback received and Enfield Council’s response. This report will inform the decision of whether to make the draft traffic order permanent and implement the modifications to Brownlow Road. The report will be publicly available and will be uploaded to the project page.
September 2023 - Early Engagement summary Report
Share September 2023 - Early Engagement summary Report on Facebook Share September 2023 - Early Engagement summary Report on Twitter Share September 2023 - Early Engagement summary Report on Linkedin Email September 2023 - Early Engagement summary Report linkEngagement Summary Report has now been published
Thank you to everyone who took part in the engagement opportunity we hosted for the Brownlow Road Walking and Cycling Route Project earlier this year. We have now published the Engagement Summary Report which can be found under the ‘Documents’ tab on the right hand side of this project page. The report details the process we undertook to engage people in this project and hear your ideas and issues that could inform the design. It includes information on who took part and summarises what we heard from participants. These findings will be considered throughout the design process as we progress this project.
Following the completion of the detailed design, expected towards the end of this year, we'll seek funding to progress the project through to implementation. Updates will be posted on this page to keep all stakeholders informed about any funding obtained and progress of the project.
We would like to thank the participants for getting involved and sharing their ideas and issues with us.
Community engagement open to share your ideas
Share Community engagement open to share your ideas on Facebook Share Community engagement open to share your ideas on Twitter Share Community engagement open to share your ideas on Linkedin Email Community engagement open to share your ideas linkWe want to hear from you about your ideas for walking, wheeling and cycling in this area that could be incorporated into our planning for the Brownlow Road Walking and Cycling Route. Please share your ideas for making the area safer for people walking, wheeling and cycling, accessible and enjoyable. Ideas may include more planting, nearby cycle parking or identifying points at which people could cross the road. We’d also like to hear about any issues people face in regard to walking, wheeling and cycling in the area.
Share your ideas and issues with us via the interactive map on the project page where you may drop a pin along the route and provide your ideas as well as identify issues related to walking and cycling in the area.
The map will be open for you to share your comments until midnight Sunday 2 April 2023.
We also invite residents, businesses and others interested to a webinar to be held on Microsoft Teams. The webinar will be held on 20 March, 2023 from 6pm to 7pm.
The webinar can be accessed at the following link:
This will be an opportunity to hear about the project from the project team. We will explain the purpose and objectives of the project, discuss the proposed route, give people information on how to share their comments, and provide an opportunity for people to ask the project team questions.
Key Dates
09 March → 02 April 2023
20 March 2023
31 January 2024
25 February 2024
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