Fox Lane Area Quieter Neighbourhood
This project has now concluded.
The Fox Lane Area Quieter Neighbourhood project is part of a Borough wide programme, which aims to:
- reduce the volume of motor traffic in residential neighbourhoods
- reduce the speeds that people drive at on our residential streets
- reduce the ability for people driving to 'rat run' through residential streets
- improve the liveability, amenity and safety of our neighbourhoods
- enable residents to walk and cycle safely from their front door, to connect with public transport or major walking and cycling routes
- increase the health and wellbeing of residents and strengthen community cohesion
The project was delivered from 2020 and made permanentContinue reading
The Fox Lane Area Quieter Neighbourhood project is part of a Borough wide programme, which aims to:
- reduce the volume of motor traffic in residential neighbourhoods
- reduce the speeds that people drive at on our residential streets
- reduce the ability for people driving to 'rat run' through residential streets
- improve the liveability, amenity and safety of our neighbourhoods
- enable residents to walk and cycle safely from their front door, to connect with public transport or major walking and cycling routes
- increase the health and wellbeing of residents and strengthen community cohesion
The project was delivered from 2020 and made permanent in March 2022.
Quieter Neighbourhoods and the wider Journeys and Places programme intended to achieve Council aims to see more people walking, cycling or using public transport for short trips in the borough. Long-term benefits include better public health, reduced pressures on the NHS, less motor vehicle pollution and improved air quality, which will also help deal with the declared climate emergency.
On this project page you can find:
- Key project dates
- A video providing an overview of the project
- A document library with key documents
- A list of frequently asked questions
Project updates from throughout the project are below.
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Before completing this consultation form please make sure you read the information provided on the project page and the draft traffic order here which include the map of proposed changes.
This project has now concluded.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Before completing this consultation form please make sure you read the information provided on the project page and the draft traffic order here which include the map of proposed changes.
This project has now concluded.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
The Fox Lane Area Quieter Neighbourhood has now been made permanent. The Council would like to hear further views on whether the scheme would work better for residents if the current restriction on Meadway was removed entirely, or operated on a timed basis.
No decision has been made on this idea, but it is something we would like to explore further, gaining greater clarity on your preferences. If this idea is taken forward, further consultation will take place. Alongside your views, further work will be undertaken to consider the traffic impacts of this proposal.
This engagement is in addition to other changes we are proposing, including exemption permits for Blue Badge Holders for the camera-controlled closures. Permits will allow Blue Badge holders to nominate a motor vehicle of their choice that will be able to pass through camera controlled restrictions.
The existing restriction for motor vehicles on the Meadway is shown in the image below.
The Privacy Notice for our surveys can be found here.
This project has now concluded.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Residents in the Fox Lane & Surrounding Streets Quieter Neighbourhood Area have raised concerns with Enfield Council over traffic issues in the area for many years. This trial is a response to those concerns.
The trial is being funded from the Transport for London Streetspace Programme, an initiative that has been launched in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
There will be a range of assessments made when judging the overall success of this trial, which includes:
- Residents’ views on how the benefits of the scheme compare against the disadvantages
- Data on the volume of motor vehicle movements in the area
- Data on the speed of motor vehicles in the area
- Impacts on the primary roads surrounding the area
- Air quality considerations
- Bus journey time considerations through discussion with Transport for London
- Outcomes of ongoing dialogue with the Emergency Services
The project is implemented as a trial using experimental traffic orders (ETO) which includes the consultation with community during the trial period.
Now that the community have had the opportunity to experience the trial working in practice, we would like to invite you to share your feedback. We will be reviewing feedback through the consultation period and there is the ability to amend the scheme during the trial period.
The Privacy Notice can be found here.
This project has now concluded.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
This project has now concluded.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Please complete this form to register for the upcoming webinar to be held on Wednesday 26th May from 6.30-8pm on Microsoft Teams. You will be sent a link via email to the Microsoft Teams webinar prior to the event. Registrations will close at 5pm on 26th May.
You will hear from the project team about the monitoring and evaluation plan, consultation and engagement activities, the Equalities Impact Assessment, and an overview of next steps. There will be a presentation followed by an opportunity to ask questions.
Please note that the link to the webinar will be emailed to people who have registered during the week of 24th May ahead of the webinar. As above, registrations will close at 5pm on the day of the event and people who have registered on Wednesday 26th will receive the link prior to the webinar commencing.
This project has now concluded.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
If you are a person with a disability or a carer who lives in or visits the Fox Lane and Surrounding Streets Quieter Neighbourhood please complete the survey below to help us to fully understand your feedback on the trial. Please be as specific as possible in your response, including street names or numbers where necessary.
If you prefer, someone else can complete these questions on your behalf. Please remember that this survey is specifically interested in feedback from residents with disabilities and those who care for them. If you are looking for the consultation open to all residents, businesses, community groups and other stakeholders, you can find it here.
The Privacy Notice can be found here.
This project has now concluded.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
To provide your comments on the plans for the Fox Lane Area Quieter Neighbourhood, please complete the short survey below. Please view the plans before completing this survey. These are available to download from the Document Library on the right of the project page.
This project has now concluded.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Below are ten questions regarding your experience of the Fox Lane Area Quieter Neighbourhood. To help us to fully understand your feedback, please be as specific as possible in your response. Include street names or numbers where necessary.
If you prefer, someone else can complete these questions on your behalf. Please remember that we are specifically interested in feedback from residents with disabilities and those who care for them.
Please return this completed survey using the freepost envelope provided by the 31st of March 2021.
This project has now concluded.
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Document Library
Plan of the Fox Lane Area QN and FOX Permit Zone Map (11.3 MB) (jpg)
Traffic Monitoring Report (Fox Lane Area QN) - August 2023 (1.49 MB) (pdf)
Key Project Documents
Fox Lane Area QN Project Rationale (523 KB) (pdf)
Fox Lane Area QN Monitoring Plan (1.32 MB) (pdf)
Fox Lane Area QN Traffic Monitoring Map (7.46 MB) (jpg)
Fox Lane Area QN Air Quality Monitoring Map (7.51 MB) (jpg)
Fox Lane Area QN Communication Engagement and Consultation Plan (371 KB) (pdf)
Fox Lane Area QN Equality Approach (367 KB) (pdf)
Fox Lane Area QN EqIA (1.05 MB) (pdf)
The Walk Traffic Management Order Made (TG52/1536) (285 KB) (pdf)
Statutory consultation responses and Council's response (The Walk TG52/1536) (156 KB) (pdf)
The Walk Traffic Management Order (TG 52/1536) (1.43 MB) (pdf)
The Walk Traffic Order Drawing TG 52/1536 (174 KB) (pdf)
Fox Lane Area QN Letter (Jan 2022) (1.59 MB) (pdf)
Fox Lane Area Engagement Findings Report (431 KB) (pdf)
About the project
- What is a modal filter?
- What will happen to the volume of traffic?
- How will the success of the scheme be monitored?
- Are any of the roads completely inaccessible?
- How do refuse trucks and other large vehicles such as delivery vans access the area?
- Why are ‘motor vehicles prohibited’ signs used instead of ‘no entry for vehicular traffic’ signs at camera-enforced modal filters? What is the difference?
- What do the ‘motor vehicles prohibited’ signs indicate?
About the trial
Virtual exemption permits for Blue Badge holders
- What is a “FOX virtual permit”?
- Who is eligible?
- What is the policy for Blue Badge holders?
- I have a Blue Badge and I live within the Fox Lane Area Quieter Neighbourhood. Do I need to apply for a virtual permit?
- At which locations do exemptions apply?
- How do I know if I can drive through the camera-enforced filter?
- Where is the FOX Permit Zone? How do I know if I live within the zone?
- How can I apply?
- How can I get help to apply for a permit?
- Is there a permit fee?
- I don’t have my own vehicle, but I have a Blue Badge and live within the FOX Permit Zone – can I apply?
- How long does my FOX virtual permit last?
- Will I need to display anything in my car?
- Can I change the vehicle on my permit?
Who's Listening
Enfield Council