Fox Lane Area Quieter Neighbourhood
This project has now concluded.
The Fox Lane Area Quieter Neighbourhood project is part of a Borough wide programme, which aims to:
- reduce the volume of motor traffic in residential neighbourhoods
- reduce the speeds that people drive at on our residential streets
- reduce the ability for people driving to 'rat run' through residential streets
- improve the liveability, amenity and safety of our neighbourhoods
- enable residents to walk and cycle safely from their front door, to connect with public transport or major walking and cycling routes
- increase the health and wellbeing of residents and strengthen community cohesion
The project was delivered from 2020 and made permanentContinue reading
The Fox Lane Area Quieter Neighbourhood project is part of a Borough wide programme, which aims to:
- reduce the volume of motor traffic in residential neighbourhoods
- reduce the speeds that people drive at on our residential streets
- reduce the ability for people driving to 'rat run' through residential streets
- improve the liveability, amenity and safety of our neighbourhoods
- enable residents to walk and cycle safely from their front door, to connect with public transport or major walking and cycling routes
- increase the health and wellbeing of residents and strengthen community cohesion
The project was delivered from 2020 and made permanent in March 2022.
Quieter Neighbourhoods and the wider Journeys and Places programme intended to achieve Council aims to see more people walking, cycling or using public transport for short trips in the borough. Long-term benefits include better public health, reduced pressures on the NHS, less motor vehicle pollution and improved air quality, which will also help deal with the declared climate emergency.
On this project page you can find:
- Key project dates
- A video providing an overview of the project
- A document library with key documents
- A list of frequently asked questions
Project updates from throughout the project are below.
This project has now concluded.
Meadway survey closes this Sunday, and Southgate Circus update
Share Meadway survey closes this Sunday, and Southgate Circus update on Facebook Share Meadway survey closes this Sunday, and Southgate Circus update on Twitter Share Meadway survey closes this Sunday, and Southgate Circus update on Linkedin Email Meadway survey closes this Sunday, and Southgate Circus update linkThe opportunity to provide feedback about potential options for the camera enforced modal filter on Meadway ends this Sunday. The survey will be open until 11:59 p.m. on Sunday 22nd May 2022. Please refer to our earlier project update about how to provide your feedback.
We have recently implemented some minor improvements at Southgate Circus. The keep clear markings aim to help traffic flow at this busy junction and we thank drivers for adjusting to the new markings. We are now planning to remove the small traffic island located on High Street at the entrance of Crown Lane. This will provide more space for people turning in to Crown Lane to move out of the path of vehicles continuing down High Street away from Southgate Circus.
Permits for Blue Badge Holders & increased use of ANPR (cameras)
Share Permits for Blue Badge Holders & increased use of ANPR (cameras) on Facebook Share Permits for Blue Badge Holders & increased use of ANPR (cameras) on Twitter Share Permits for Blue Badge Holders & increased use of ANPR (cameras) on Linkedin Email Permits for Blue Badge Holders & increased use of ANPR (cameras) linkAs a result of the consultation and Equalities Impact Assessment during the trial period of the Fox Lane Area Quieter Neighbourhood, the decision report for this project recommended consideration of measures to improve access for residents with disabilities and for those with caring responsibilities through potential exemptions. In addition to this, the decision report recommended consideration of increased permeability for the emergency services by expanding the use of camera enforcement rather than physical measures.
The Council is therefore proposing to:
To convert a number of the bollard-controlled closures to ‘no motor vehicle’ restrictions enforced by camera.
Exempt Dial-a-Ride vehicles from the camera enforced filters.
Introduce a permit system to exempt permitted vehicles from the camera enforced filters.
Blue Badge Holders residing within the “FOX Permit Zone” will be eligible to apply to the Council for a permit under a category of the ‘FOX’ permit. This permit could either apply to their own vehicle or they could nominate someone else's vehicle where a user of that vehicle has a role in the care of a Blue Badge Holder within the Quieter Neighbourhood area. This caring role could include transportation of the Blue Badge Holder and/or regular visits to the Blue Badge Holder’s home address.
The FOX Permit Zone is defined by the area in the file named "Fox Lane Area QN - Proposed FOX Permit Zone". You can view the FOX Permit Zone on the right-hand side of the page under the Document Library.
In addition to FOX permit holders, Dial-a-Ride vehicles will be exempt from the ‘no motor vehicle’ restrictions at the camera enforced filters. Dial-a-Ride vehicles were identified during the equalities assessment carried out during the trial period as a means of transport that some people rely upon or prefer, for example disabled people and people aged 65 and over.
Current exemptions for emergency service vehicles and Council waste collection vehicles will continue to apply.
These proposals would be likely to result in a small increase in vehicles on the roads within the Fox Lane Area Quieter Neighbourhood. There are approximately 200 Blue Badge Holders within the Fox Permit Zone. Whilst one of the objectives of the Fox Lane Area Quieter Neighbourhood project is to reduce motor vehicle movement in the area, the potentially small increase in motor traffic as a result of these permits is considered a reasonable response to the issues identified in the Council’s Equality Impact Assessment.
The Council will conduct future engagement with residents and disability groups on the potential for the development of this initial approach to permits. This could include the creation of additional categories to the FOX permit such as other carers, and the use of exceptional exemptions in particular circumstances. The intention is to conduct this further work in partnership with other North London local authorities, enabling consideration of how exemptions may work across borough boundaries, where this is relevant.
You can view the proposed Order here. If you wish to object to the proposed Order or make other representations, you can:
Email , or,
Write to: ATTN Healthy Streets team, Enfield Council, Silver Street, London EN1 3XA
Your response must be completed by 11.59pm on Wednesday 13th April 2022.
Further opportunity for feedback: A review of Meadway
Share Further opportunity for feedback: A review of Meadway on Facebook Share Further opportunity for feedback: A review of Meadway on Twitter Share Further opportunity for feedback: A review of Meadway on Linkedin Email Further opportunity for feedback: A review of Meadway linkIn response to the feedback received during the trial period, the Council has committed to looking at a number of improvements to the scheme.
The Council would like to hear further views on whether the scheme would work better for residents if the current restriction on Meadway was removed entirely, or operated on a timed basis. No decision has been made on this idea, but it is something we would like to explore further, gaining greater clarity on your preferences. If this idea is taken forward, further consultation will take place. Alongside your views, further work will be undertaken to consider the traffic impacts of this proposal.
Please complete a short survey to let us know what you think about Meadway:
Scroll to the bottom of this page to the ‘Surveys & Forms’ tab, and
Select the link to the survey labelled ‘Survey – Meadway’
If you require a paper copy of the survey, please email, or call 020 8132 0981 and leave your name and postal address, and state your request for a Fox Lane QN paper survey. Alternatively, you can write to us at: ATTN Healthy Streets team, Enfield Council, Silver Street, London EN1 3XA.
This survey will remain open until 11.59pm on Sunday 22nd May 2022.
Update 2 March 2022 – Fox Lane QN will be made permanent
Share Update 2 March 2022 – Fox Lane QN will be made permanent on Facebook Share Update 2 March 2022 – Fox Lane QN will be made permanent on Twitter Share Update 2 March 2022 – Fox Lane QN will be made permanent on Linkedin Email Update 2 March 2022 – Fox Lane QN will be made permanent linkEnfield Council has confirmed the Fox Lane Area Quieter Neighbourhood will be made permanent. Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to feedback on the scheme. In response to feedback raised, we are committed to exploring the best ways to make further improvements.
We are looking at:
Introducing exemptions for Blue Badge holders who live within the area
Replacing the bollards on Oakfield Road, The Mall and Selborne Road with a camera which emergency services can easily pass through
Running a survey on opening Meadway, perhaps on a timed bases, to investigate how this might impact traffic flow at peak times
Please note that these will not be in place immediately. We will be providing further updates on each of these over the coming weeks. We also appreciate how important it is that people with disabilities get the support they are entitled to. Please see information at this link if you feel you might be eligible for a Blue Badge.
A link to the report which informed the decision to make the scheme permanent can be found here.
The traffic orders which give effect to the scheme becoming permanent can be viewed here. The traffic orders come into force 3 March 2022.
You can also find links to the report and traffic orders on the right hand side of the page under ‘Important Links’.
Update 8 February 2022
Share Update 8 February 2022 on Facebook Share Update 8 February 2022 on Twitter Share Update 8 February 2022 on Linkedin Email Update 8 February 2022 linkA decision on the Fox Lane Area Quieter Neighbourhood (QN) has been published and can be found here. The decision has been made by the Leader of Enfield Council to make the traffic orders permanent. This means that the measures that have been trialled in the Fox Lane Area QN will stay in place.
The decision has been made in the knowledge that:
- A subsequent report is to be produced as soon as possible which explores mitigation measures to improve access for residents with disabilities through potential exemptions and includes consideration of those with caring responsibilities.
- The Council makes some small scale and short-term adjustments to the Southgate Circus roundabout to assist traffic flow.
- The Council explores funding opportunities to conduct a more detailed design review of the options for Southgate Circus, accepting that this would require significant investment / partnership with TfL and therefore could not be delivered in the short to medium term.
- Resident views are gathered on a future proposal to alter the current modal filter on the Meadway. Considerations may include the removal of this restriction entirely, or to operate it on a timed basis.
- The filters on The Mall, Selborne Road and Oakfield Road are investigated with a view to consider whether to convert them from a bollard to a camera controlled filter, increasing permeability for the emergency services and for any future exemptions.
- A further review is undertaken of traffic speed and volume on some roads outside of the scheme area to consider any additional mitigating actions.
- A post-project monitoring plan is developed to continue to carry out some high-level monitoring in this area of the Borough.
- Potential measures to mitigate some increases in bus journey times are reviewed.
The decision has been made following a trial in the area, including a period of statutory consultation and monitoring activities. The decision is subject to call-in as per the Council’s scrutiny process. More information on this process can be found here.
Update 26 January 2022 - Advanced publication of report
Share Update 26 January 2022 - Advanced publication of report on Facebook Share Update 26 January 2022 - Advanced publication of report on Twitter Share Update 26 January 2022 - Advanced publication of report on Linkedin Email Update 26 January 2022 - Advanced publication of report linkA report on the Fox Lane Area Quieter Neighbourhood has been prepared that evaluates the outcomes of the trial and takes into account residents’ feedback. This report, including recommendations, has now been published and a link is available here.
This report is under consideration, with a decision anticipated shortly.
Update 16 December 2021
Share Update 16 December 2021 on Facebook Share Update 16 December 2021 on Twitter Share Update 16 December 2021 on Linkedin Email Update 16 December 2021 linkThe opportunity to provide feedback on the Fox Lane Area Quieter Neighbourhood continues until 11.59pm on Tuesday 11 January 2022.
After this date, Officers will finalise a report for this project which will evaluate the outcomes of the trial and take into account residents’ feedback.
The normal process of governance will apply, meaning that:
- The report and its recommendations will be published on the Council website ahead of any decision been made – this is expected by the end of January 2022
- After the report has been published, a minimum of 5 working days will follow before the Leader of the Council will make a decision on this project
- This decision will be published online and the project page will be updated – this is expected in early February
- This decision will be open to scrutiny through the established ‘call in’ process
- The outcome of any ‘call in’ process will determine whether the decision can be implemented or whether any further action is required
- A final decision is expected by the 7th March 2022, the date that the Experimental Traffic Order expires.
More information on the Council Overview & Scrutiny process and explanations of ‘call in’ can be found here.
The community can continue to provide their views on this trial as part of the ongoing consultation process. If you would like to do so, objections and representations to the ETO can continue to be made. All responses will be considered alongside objections and representations previously made. Please make your objection or representation in writing stating the grounds on which it is being made and quoting the reference TG52/1451. You can send this via one of the following means:
- By email to, or
- By writing to ATTN Healthy Streets, Enfield Council, Silver St, Enfield, EN1 3XA.
Objections received via email to will also continue to be considered. Objections must be received by 11.59pm on Tuesday 11 January 2022. Please note that any letter or email you write to the Council in response to the ETO may, upon written request, be made available to the press or to the public.
Whilst the Council will not be providing individual responses to any further comments, these will be responded to in the published report, along with the rest of feedback that has already been received.
The monitoring plan for the project, along with a range of additional information, remains available for review in the document library on this page.
Update 5 November 2021
Share Update 5 November 2021 on Facebook Share Update 5 November 2021 on Twitter Share Update 5 November 2021 on Linkedin Email Update 5 November 2021 linkThe Fox Lane Area Quieter Neighbourhood was implemented as a trial under an Experimental Traffic Orders (ETO) and the project has been under review since implementation. Restrictions on travel due to Covid-19 were lifted fully in July 2021 and with schools returning in early September, a further set of traffic data was collected towards the end of that month to help assess the impacts of this trial. The Council is now reviewing this data with the intention of publishing a report in the next few months.
If you would like to do so, objections and representations to the ETO can continue to be made. All responses will be considered alongside objections and representations previously made. Please make your objection or representation in writing stating the grounds on which it is being made and quoting the reference TG52/1451. You can send this via one of the following means:
- By email to, or
- By writing to ATTN Healthy Streets, Enfield Council, Silver St, Enfield, EN1 3XA.
Objections received via email to will also continue to be considered. Objections must be received by 11.59pm on Tuesday 11 January 2022. Please note that any letter or email you write to the Council in response to the ETO may, upon written request, be made available to the press or to the public.
Whilst the Council will not be providing individual responses to any further comments, these will be responded to in the published report, along with the rest of feedback that has already been received.
The monitoring plan for the project, along with a range of additional information, remains available on the dedicated project page:
Update 4 July 2021
Share Update 4 July 2021 on Facebook Share Update 4 July 2021 on Twitter Share Update 4 July 2021 on Linkedin Email Update 4 July 2021 linkREVISION POSTED WHERE NOTED BELOW 24/11/2021
Consultation Survey – closing Sunday 11 July 2021
We delivered a letter to residents in mid-May advising that the consultation survey which has been open since 12 October 2020 will close on Sunday 11 July 2021. If you have not done so already, please complete the survey by clicking on the ‘Surveys and Forms’ tab above and selecting ‘Consultation – Fox Lane & Surroundings Streets Quieter Neighbourhood’.
Experimental Traffic Order
The scheme has been implemented as a trial under an Experimental Traffic Order (ETO). We modified the traffic order on 19 November 2020 to change the type of modal filter on Conway Road at its junction with Fox Lane. The modal filter under the initial ETO was a bollard that restricted all motor traffic at that location. The modal filter is now a camera enforced closure point to motor vehicles enabling unhindered access for emergency services as set out in the modified ETO. The intent of the traffic order was clear, however we identified that the notice of modification included a minor error. A new ETO has now been made to redefine the restriction in Conway Road at its junction with Fox Lane. Experimental Traffic Orders are usually valid for a period of 18 months, however we have specified that this order will remain in force no later than 7 March 2022 to coincide with the latest date of the initial traffic order. The new ETO can be viewed at this link.
No changes to the layout of filters in the area or how they operate are being made under this new traffic order. This new traffic order does not change the project in any way with respect to making a decision on whether to make the wider trial permanent, make changes or remove it. We continue to monitor the trial and will be reviewing the outcomes of the public consultation to inform a future decision about the trial.
UPDATED 24/11/2021 - What does the new Experimental Traffic Order mean for the Fox Lane Area QN consultation?
Objections and representations can continue to be made up until 11 January 2022. All responses received between the closing of the consultation survey on 11 July 2021 and 11 January 2022 will be considered alongside objections and representations previously made.
Please make your objection or representation in writing stating the grounds on which it is being made and quoting the reference TG52/1451. You can send this via one of the following means:
• By email to, or
• By writing to ATTN Healthy Streets, Enfield Council, Silver St, Enfield, EN1 3XA.
Objections received via email to will also continue to be considered. Objections must be received by 11.59pm on Tuesday 11 January 2022. Please note that any letter or email you write to the Council in response to the ETO may, upon written request, be made available to the press or to the public.
Please note the information in this section was updated on 24/11/2021.
Monitoring of traffic in the area
You may have noticed that we carried out some traffic surveys on several surrounding roads earlier in June as part of our monitoring of the trial. These surveys collected traffic data for a week starting on 7 June. They were placed on the ground early ahead of data collection which started on 7 June after half-term.
We are carrying out further traffic counts this week to collect data before the end of the school year. In light of the recent government announcement delaying further easing of restrictions beyond 21 June, we will be considering any impacts of ongoing restrictions due to Covid-19 on data collected.
In addition to traffic surveys which collects data on numbers and speeds of vehicles, we are also monitoring bus journey times in the area as outlined in our monitoring plan.
Update 12 May 2021
Share Update 12 May 2021 on Facebook Share Update 12 May 2021 on Twitter Share Update 12 May 2021 on Linkedin Email Update 12 May 2021 linkThank you to everyone who has participated in the consultation for the Fox Lane and Surrounding Streets Quieter Neighbourhood so far. The below update provides information on the upcoming webinar, information on the consultation and monitoring of the project.
Consultation on the trial
The consultation survey on the trial has been open since the 12th October 2020.
The consultation survey will close on Sunday 11th July 2021. This extends the opportunity for comment beyond the minimum statutory consultation. Please share your comments on the project by this date via the survey under the ‘Surveys and Forms’ tab here on the project page. If you prefer, you can provide feedback via email to or via letter addressed to:
ATTN Healthy Streets team
Enfield Council
Silver Street
London EN1 3XA
Monitoring and reporting on the trial
The Monitoring Plan for the project has been published on the right-hand side of the project page. The Monitoring Plan includes information on the various activities we are undertaking to monitor the trial, including the collection of traffic data and air quality monitoring.
In the coming weeks we will be collecting traffic data on the surrounding roads to help understand the impact. We will then be collecting further traffic counts across the whole area in summer as we anticipate traffic volumes across the borough to return to more ‘normal’ levels as restrictions on travel due to the pandemic are planned to ease. Following this we will be reporting on all monitoring activities and the outcomes of public consultation in Autumn 2021, at which point a decision will be made to make the project permanent or remove it.
Public webinar
We would like to invite you to join an online public webinar on 26th May 2021 from 6.30pm to 8.00pm.
This will be an opportunity to hear from the project team about the monitoring and evaluation plan, consultation and engagement activities, the Equalities Impact Assessment, and an overview of next steps. There will be a presentation followed by an opportunity to ask questions.
You will need to register to attend the webinar. To register for the webinar, complete the form under the ‘Surveys and Forms’ tab. We will be closing registrations at 5pm on 26th May 2021. We will be emailing the link to the webinar to people who have registered during the week of 24th May, ahead of the webinar. If you register on the day of the webinar, you will receive the link prior to the webinar that evening after registrations have closed. The webinar will be recorded and available to view following the event.
Document Library
Plan of the Fox Lane Area QN and FOX Permit Zone Map (11.3 MB) (jpg)
Traffic Monitoring Report (Fox Lane Area QN) - August 2023 (1.49 MB) (pdf)
Key Project Documents
Fox Lane Area QN Project Rationale (523 KB) (pdf)
Fox Lane Area QN Monitoring Plan (1.32 MB) (pdf)
Fox Lane Area QN Traffic Monitoring Map (7.46 MB) (jpg)
Fox Lane Area QN Air Quality Monitoring Map (7.51 MB) (jpg)
Fox Lane Area QN Communication Engagement and Consultation Plan (371 KB) (pdf)
Fox Lane Area QN Equality Approach (367 KB) (pdf)
Fox Lane Area QN EqIA (1.05 MB) (pdf)
The Walk Traffic Management Order Made (TG52/1536) (285 KB) (pdf)
Statutory consultation responses and Council's response (The Walk TG52/1536) (156 KB) (pdf)
The Walk Traffic Management Order (TG 52/1536) (1.43 MB) (pdf)
The Walk Traffic Order Drawing TG 52/1536 (174 KB) (pdf)
Fox Lane Area QN Letter (Jan 2022) (1.59 MB) (pdf)
Fox Lane Area Engagement Findings Report (431 KB) (pdf)
About the project
- What is a modal filter?
- What will happen to the volume of traffic?
- How will the success of the scheme be monitored?
- Are any of the roads completely inaccessible?
- How do refuse trucks and other large vehicles such as delivery vans access the area?
- Why are ‘motor vehicles prohibited’ signs used instead of ‘no entry for vehicular traffic’ signs at camera-enforced modal filters? What is the difference?
- What do the ‘motor vehicles prohibited’ signs indicate?
About the trial
Virtual exemption permits for Blue Badge holders
- What is a “FOX virtual permit”?
- Who is eligible?
- What is the policy for Blue Badge holders?
- I have a Blue Badge and I live within the Fox Lane Area Quieter Neighbourhood. Do I need to apply for a virtual permit?
- At which locations do exemptions apply?
- How do I know if I can drive through the camera-enforced filter?
- Where is the FOX Permit Zone? How do I know if I live within the zone?
- How can I apply?
- How can I get help to apply for a permit?
- Is there a permit fee?
- I don’t have my own vehicle, but I have a Blue Badge and live within the FOX Permit Zone – can I apply?
- How long does my FOX virtual permit last?
- Will I need to display anything in my car?
- Can I change the vehicle on my permit?
Who's Listening
Enfield Council