Enfield Town to Broxbourne Walking and Cycling Route
Enfield Council are developing a walking and cycling route which aims to connect the neighbouring boroughs of Enfield and Broxbourne, from Enfield Town Station to Broxbourne. The project is predominantly funded by National Highways as part of the Designated Funds programme.
It is proposed that the Enfield Town to Broxbourne Walking and Cycling Route (within the borders of Enfield) runs from the southern side of the M25 junction with the A10 initially along the New River and eventually on the local highway network towards Enfield Town. Broxbourne Council are also working with Highways England on a related project that extends the route into Broxbourne.
The total length for the section within Enfield is approximately 4.7km. It features the construction of a shared use path running for 2.9km adjacent to the New River, and 1.8km of cycling route using local roads. The on-road section proposals include junction improvements, new crossings, wayfinding, and revised speed limits.
The Enfield section of the Enfield Town to Broxbourne Walking and Cycling Route together with the northern part of the route, which is located in the Borough of Broxbourne, will create an interconnected network for users between the two boroughs. It will also expand the current network of cycle routes within Enfield and provide an opportunity for a potential future East / West connection into the A1010 North major project.
The Enfield section, consisting for the most part of an off-road path, will provide a quiet, safe, and secure route to encourage more active forms of travel. This in turn will bring the benefits of keeping children and adults healthy and fit, reduce motor traffic, and improve air quality. In addition, the proposals for the on-road section will upgrade junctions to accommodate people walking and cycling to provide safer crossings for everyone.
On this project page you can find:
- Key project dates in the Key Dates section on the right-hand side.
- Project updates in the News Feed below.
- A Document Library on the right-hand side which contain key documents.
- A list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) which will be periodically updated.
Enfield Council are developing a walking and cycling route which aims to connect the neighbouring boroughs of Enfield and Broxbourne, from Enfield Town Station to Broxbourne. The project is predominantly funded by National Highways as part of the Designated Funds programme.
It is proposed that the Enfield Town to Broxbourne Walking and Cycling Route (within the borders of Enfield) runs from the southern side of the M25 junction with the A10 initially along the New River and eventually on the local highway network towards Enfield Town. Broxbourne Council are also working with Highways England on a related project that extends the route into Broxbourne.
The total length for the section within Enfield is approximately 4.7km. It features the construction of a shared use path running for 2.9km adjacent to the New River, and 1.8km of cycling route using local roads. The on-road section proposals include junction improvements, new crossings, wayfinding, and revised speed limits.
The Enfield section of the Enfield Town to Broxbourne Walking and Cycling Route together with the northern part of the route, which is located in the Borough of Broxbourne, will create an interconnected network for users between the two boroughs. It will also expand the current network of cycle routes within Enfield and provide an opportunity for a potential future East / West connection into the A1010 North major project.
The Enfield section, consisting for the most part of an off-road path, will provide a quiet, safe, and secure route to encourage more active forms of travel. This in turn will bring the benefits of keeping children and adults healthy and fit, reduce motor traffic, and improve air quality. In addition, the proposals for the on-road section will upgrade junctions to accommodate people walking and cycling to provide safer crossings for everyone.
On this project page you can find:
- Key project dates in the Key Dates section on the right-hand side.
- Project updates in the News Feed below.
- A Document Library on the right-hand side which contain key documents.
- A list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) which will be periodically updated.
Advance Publication of Off-Carriageway Report
Share Advance Publication of Off-Carriageway Report on Facebook Share Advance Publication of Off-Carriageway Report on Twitter Share Advance Publication of Off-Carriageway Report on Linkedin Email Advance Publication of Off-Carriageway Report linkA report on the off-carriageway part of the Enfield Town to Broxbourne Walking and Cycling Route has been prepared that provides a summary of the project to date, outlines the proposals, takes into account residents’ feedback collected throughout the statutory consultation, and invites a decision on whether to proceed with its implementation. This report has now been published and a link is available here.
This report is under consideration, with a decision anticipated shortly.
Construction of Goat Lane and Turkey Street
Share Construction of Goat Lane and Turkey Street on Facebook Share Construction of Goat Lane and Turkey Street on Twitter Share Construction of Goat Lane and Turkey Street on Linkedin Email Construction of Goat Lane and Turkey Street linkConstruction works on the bridges over the New River at Goat Lane and Turkey Street are set to begin during the school half-term break from Monday 23 October to Friday 27 October. Residents in the area have been notified of the works by letter.
The works on Goat Lane will involve constructing build-outs on both sides of the footway to create a single-file carriageway with vehicles giving way to each other over the bridge.
The works on Turkey Street will involve removing existing concrete blocks and replacing them with bollards to improve access for people walking and cycling. We will also be laying a new surface to improve the appearance of the bridge.
To enable our contractor to carry out these works in a safe and timely manner, we will be closing Goat Lane/Hoe Lane either side of the bridge and the pedestrian bridge at Turkey Street during this time. We apologise for any inconvenience and thank you for your cooperation.
Planning Consent Application Approved
Share Planning Consent Application Approved on Facebook Share Planning Consent Application Approved on Twitter Share Planning Consent Application Approved on Linkedin Email Planning Consent Application Approved linkOn Tuesday 19 September 2023, the Enfield Town to Broxbourne Walking and Cycling Route scheme was presented to the Planning Committee, following a previous deferral at a Planning Committee Briefing in April 2023.
The planning consent was to assess the section of the route along the New River between Tenniswood Road and Bullsmoor Lane. This will provide a key link between Enfield Town and Broxbourne, complete the green chain missing link, contribute towards a long term increase in the levels of active travel by expanding the borough wide network and enable the community to make greater use of the New River.
Since the previous deferral the design was updated to include additional screening planting and to remove a bench seat proposed along the New River between Tenniswood Road and Carterhatch Lane.
The Planning Committee voted to approve the application at the committee meeting on 19 September 2023.
The key next steps for the project are confirming additional funding for the project, submitting a minor planning application for the New River route between Bullsmoor Lane and the M25 junction, procuring a contractor and commencing construction in approximately Spring 2024.
We will provide further updates as we progress through these key next steps.
In-person consultation event
Share In-person consultation event on Facebook Share In-person consultation event on Twitter Share In-person consultation event on Linkedin Email In-person consultation event linkA community drop-in session regarding the Enfield Town to Broxbourne Walking and Cycling Route project, specifically relating to the section of path between Tenniswood Road and Carterhatch Lane, is being held on Tuesday 12 September 2023. The purpose of the drop-in session is to share visualisations that have been prepared of screening planting between Tenniswood Road and Carterhatch Lane following concerns of privacy impacts. These are located in the key documents folder. This is also an opportunity for the project team to answer questions regarding the scheme. The project is being delivered by Enfield Council’s Journeys and Places team.
Letters were delivered to residents in the immediate vicinity of the Tenniswood Road to Carterhatch Lane section of the New River last week informing of this event.
The drop-in session will be held on Tuesday 12 September 2023 on the grassed area, on the corner of Carterhatch Lane and Melling Drive, Enfield EN1 4TU. Please drop in at any time between 5.30pm and 8pm to speak with us.
We hope to see you there.
Decision to implement changes to Tenniswood Road / Willow Road, Carterhatch Lane, Goat Lane and Bullsmoor Lane
Share Decision to implement changes to Tenniswood Road / Willow Road, Carterhatch Lane, Goat Lane and Bullsmoor Lane on Facebook Share Decision to implement changes to Tenniswood Road / Willow Road, Carterhatch Lane, Goat Lane and Bullsmoor Lane on Twitter Share Decision to implement changes to Tenniswood Road / Willow Road, Carterhatch Lane, Goat Lane and Bullsmoor Lane on Linkedin Email Decision to implement changes to Tenniswood Road / Willow Road, Carterhatch Lane, Goat Lane and Bullsmoor Lane linkThank you to all those who took part in the statutory consultation. Following careful consideration of the responses to statutory consultation for changes to the Tenniswood Road / Willow junction (advertised in TG 1513) and Carterhatch Lane, Goat Lane, Hoe Lane and Bullmsoor Lane (advertised in TG 1517), a decision has been made to progress with implementation.
The proposed changes have been made to deliver a key active travel link, contribute towards a long-term increase in the levels of active travel and improve junctions and crossings to enable more people to walk and cycle safely.
A document containing the response to objections has been published on the project page and can be viewed here.
The Notice of Making, Statement of Reasons and the Traffic Management Order can be viewed here.
A document containing the response to objections has been published on the project page and can be viewed here.
The Notice of Making, Statement of Reasons and the Traffic Management Order can be viewed here.
July 2023 Update Construction Works
Share July 2023 Update Construction Works on Facebook Share July 2023 Update Construction Works on Twitter Share July 2023 Update Construction Works on Linkedin Email July 2023 Update Construction Works linkOur main contractor has now completed the works at the Tenniswood Road / Willow Road junction.
Top soiling of the raingardens is expected in the next week, which will then enable the temporary barriers to be removed around the site.
Planting of the raingardens and street lighting upgrades should commence in the week commencing 10 July. We anticipate these works to be completed in mid / late July.
A site walkover with the contractor and Enfield Council will then be undertaken to identify any defects and a post implementation road safety audit will also be undertaken. These activities may result in some minor amendments being made to the construction works.
The Journeys and Places Team would like to thank everyone for their co-operation whilst the construction has been undertaken.
Update on on-carriageway construction works
Share Update on on-carriageway construction works on Facebook Share Update on on-carriageway construction works on Twitter Share Update on on-carriageway construction works on Linkedin Email Update on on-carriageway construction works linkThe works at the Parsonage Lane / Churchbury Lane junction were completed in Spring 2023. Some minor snagging works are required following road safety audit recommendations, such as installing additional wayfinding signs. These snagging works will be undertaken over the coming months.
The works at the Tenniswood Road / Willow Road junction are nearing completion. Our main contractor is expected to finish their works in late June / early July. There will be some works remaining from other contractors, such as lighting, over the coming weeks.
The Journeys and Places Team would like to thank everyone for their co-operation while the construction has been undertaken.
Road Crossings (Carterhatch Lane, Goat lane, Turkey Street, Bullsmoor Lane) - Statutory Consultation
Share Road Crossings (Carterhatch Lane, Goat lane, Turkey Street, Bullsmoor Lane) - Statutory Consultation on Facebook Share Road Crossings (Carterhatch Lane, Goat lane, Turkey Street, Bullsmoor Lane) - Statutory Consultation on Twitter Share Road Crossings (Carterhatch Lane, Goat lane, Turkey Street, Bullsmoor Lane) - Statutory Consultation on Linkedin Email Road Crossings (Carterhatch Lane, Goat lane, Turkey Street, Bullsmoor Lane) - Statutory Consultation linkThis phase of the project focuses on the modifications to the on-carriageway sections of the New River Path; referred to as the New River Path crossover points. The proposal includes safer crossings for people walking and cycling at Carterhatch Lane, Goat Lane, Turkey Street, and Bullsmoor Lane. The statutory consultation being delivered is in relation to the draft traffic order for these crossover points. More information can be found on the project page at https://letstalk.enfield.gov.uk/enfieldtowntobroxbourne.
We have now published the draft traffic order for the New River Path crossover points located at Carterhatch Lane, Goat Lane, Turkey Street, and Bullsmoor Lane. It can be found here. A copy of the proposed designs can be found here. We would like to invite you to provide your comments on this traffic order through the statutory consultation process.
Have your say
The statutory consultation is open until midnight on Sunday 26 March 2023. Any objection or representation must be made in writing, quoting the reference TG52/1517 and must state the grounds on which it is made. Objections or representations can be made in any of the following ways:
- online via the consultation survey on the project page at https://letstalk.enfield.gov.uk/EnfieldTowntoBroxbourne
- by email to journeysandplaces@enfield.gov.uk, or
- in writing to Journeys and Places, Enfield Council, Silver Street, Enfield, EN13XA.
Following the statutory consultation, a summary of the objections and representations will be produced. Enfield Council will provide a response and use the comments received to make a decision on whether or not to make the proposed changes. More information on the project can be found on the project page: https://letstalk.enfield.gov.uk/enfieldtowntobroxbourne.
Planning Consent - Statutory Consultation
Share Planning Consent - Statutory Consultation on Facebook Share Planning Consent - Statutory Consultation on Twitter Share Planning Consent - Statutory Consultation on Linkedin Email Planning Consent - Statutory Consultation linkA planning consent application, 22/04095/RE3, was submitted on 30 November 2022 for the off-carriageway work along the New River between Tenniswood Road and Bullsmoor Lane.
The planning consent documents can be accessed via the link and feedback on the proposal can be provided through the 'comments' tab in the link provided.A listed building consent application, 22/04025/LBC, was submitted on 30 November 2022 for the proposed changes to the Turkey Street bridge.
The listed building consent documents can be accessed via the link and feedback on the proposal can be provided through the 'comments' tab in the link provided.Statutory consultation for both of the above applications closes on 15 January 2023.
Webinar for the New River Path
Share Webinar for the New River Path on Facebook Share Webinar for the New River Path on Twitter Share Webinar for the New River Path on Linkedin Email Webinar for the New River Path linkA webinar was undertaken on Tuesday 13 December 2022 that focused on the shared path running adjacent to the New River, following the recent planning consent application submission for these works. The purpose of the webinar was to provide an update on the project, explain the proposed route alignment, discuss design elements along this section, and provide an opportunity for questions.
A recording of the webinar is located in this link. The video showing an artist impression of the path along the New River, mentioned in the webinar, can be found in this link.
The planning consent submission is currently being validated. This is expected to be completed in the next week, after which a link to the full submission, including drawings and specialist reports will also be provided on the project page.
Follow Project
Upcoming Key Dates
- When will the entire route be built?
- Is the route along the New River also being built?
- Which side of the New River does the shared-use lane run on?
- Is there a cycle lane being built on the on-carriageway section of the route?
- What is a shared-use lane?
- Will emergency services still be able to access the roads?
- Will refuse services still be able to access the roads?
- Will residents be consulted? If so, how can we leave our feedback?
Who's Listening
Enfield Council