Enfield Town to Broxbourne Walking and Cycling Route

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Picture of the New River in Enfield

Enfield Council are developing a walking and cycling route which aims to connect the neighbouring boroughs of Enfield and Broxbourne, from Enfield Town Station to Broxbourne. The project is predominantly funded by National Highways as part of the Designated Funds programme.

It is proposed that the Enfield Town to Broxbourne Walking and Cycling Route (within the borders of Enfield) runs from the southern side of the M25 junction with the A10 initially along the New River and eventually on the local highway network towards Enfield Town. Broxbourne Council are also working with Highways England on a related project that extends the route into Broxbourne.

The total length for the section within Enfield is approximately 4.7km. It features the construction of a shared use path running for 2.9km adjacent to the New River, and 1.8km of cycling route using local roads. The on-road section proposals include junction improvements, new crossings, wayfinding, and revised speed limits.

The Enfield section of the Enfield Town to Broxbourne Walking and Cycling Route together with the northern part of the route, which is located in the Borough of Broxbourne, will create an interconnected network for users between the two boroughs. It will also expand the current network of cycle routes within Enfield and provide an opportunity for a potential future East / West connection into the A1010 North major project.

The Enfield section, consisting for the most part of an off-road path, will provide a quiet, safe, and secure route to encourage more active forms of travel. This in turn will bring the benefits of keeping children and adults healthy and fit, reduce motor traffic, and improve air quality. In addition, the proposals for the on-road section will upgrade junctions to accommodate people walking and cycling to provide safer crossings for everyone.

On this project page you can find:

  • Key project dates in the Key Dates section on the right-hand side.
  • Project updates in the News Feed below.
  • A Document Library on the right-hand side which contain key documents.
  • A list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) which will be periodically updated.

Enfield Council are developing a walking and cycling route which aims to connect the neighbouring boroughs of Enfield and Broxbourne, from Enfield Town Station to Broxbourne. The project is predominantly funded by National Highways as part of the Designated Funds programme.

It is proposed that the Enfield Town to Broxbourne Walking and Cycling Route (within the borders of Enfield) runs from the southern side of the M25 junction with the A10 initially along the New River and eventually on the local highway network towards Enfield Town. Broxbourne Council are also working with Highways England on a related project that extends the route into Broxbourne.

The total length for the section within Enfield is approximately 4.7km. It features the construction of a shared use path running for 2.9km adjacent to the New River, and 1.8km of cycling route using local roads. The on-road section proposals include junction improvements, new crossings, wayfinding, and revised speed limits.

The Enfield section of the Enfield Town to Broxbourne Walking and Cycling Route together with the northern part of the route, which is located in the Borough of Broxbourne, will create an interconnected network for users between the two boroughs. It will also expand the current network of cycle routes within Enfield and provide an opportunity for a potential future East / West connection into the A1010 North major project.

The Enfield section, consisting for the most part of an off-road path, will provide a quiet, safe, and secure route to encourage more active forms of travel. This in turn will bring the benefits of keeping children and adults healthy and fit, reduce motor traffic, and improve air quality. In addition, the proposals for the on-road section will upgrade junctions to accommodate people walking and cycling to provide safer crossings for everyone.

On this project page you can find:

  • Key project dates in the Key Dates section on the right-hand side.
  • Project updates in the News Feed below.
  • A Document Library on the right-hand side which contain key documents.
  • A list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) which will be periodically updated.

  • Construction Update February 2025

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    Works currently underway

    We have now completed construction of the path across most of the project, from Tenniswood Road to Turkey Brook and from Turkey Street to the M25 boundary. We are currently working on installing street lighting, street furniture, and planting throughout the project.

    We have also started construction work on the road crossing at Bullsmoor Lane, which includes extending the footway and building new rain gardens.

    Upcoming Works

    We will start preparing for the delivery of the new Turkey Brook Bridge, as well as connecting the path between Turkey Brook and Turkey Street. We’ll continue with our construction work at Bullsmoor Lane, and thank you for your compliance and patience with changing traffic management in the area.

    We are still expected to open the new walking and cycling path connecting Enfield Town to Broxbourne in early to mid-2025. We appreciate your continued patience during these final phases of construction.

    If you have any queries relating to the construction works, please contact our contractor Kenson Highways at PLO@KensonHighways.com.

  • Construction Update December 2024

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    Works currently underway

    We have now completed most of the work for the walking and cycling path between Tenniswood Road and the Turkey Brook, and between Turkey Street and the M25 boundary. We have begun installing street lighting and some street furniture such as seating and cycle stands, but the majority of this work will continue into the new year.

    The new road crossing on Carterhatch Lane has also been completed, along with the additional resurfacing along Carterhatch Lane.

    Upcoming works

    Construction activities in the new year will mainly be focussed near the Turkey Brook and the Bullsmoor Lane road crossing. This includes installing a new bridge to cross the brook and connecting the path on either side. Our works at Bullsmoor Lane will be to construct a new road crossing to improve the safety of those using the path and crossing the street. Two-way traffic flow will continue throughout construction, apart from during short periods where stop-go signs will be used during deliveries.

    We are still expected to open the new walking and cycling path connecting Enfield Town to Broxbourne in early- mid 2025. We appreciate your continued patience during these final phases of construction.

    If you have any queries relating to the construction works, please contact our contractor Kenson Highways at PLO@KensonHighways.com.

  • Construction update November 2024

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    Works currently underway

    We have now completed most of the work for the walking and cycling path between Tenniswood Road and Goat Lane, and between Turkey Street and Bullsmoor Lane. We will begin installing the last elements throughout these sections in the lead up to the new year including fencing, lighting, planting, seating, and cycle stands.

    The new walking and cycling parallel crossing on Carterhatch Lane is also underway and expected to be completed in mid-December.

    Upcoming works

    Construction is scheduled to start this week on the section between Bullsmoor Lane and the M25. We will be constructing the path along the eastern side of the New River in conjunction with temporary remedial works on the western side of the New River. This will allow for continued access to other sections of the path in the meantime. The existing site compound on the southern side of Bullsmoor Lane will be relocated to the northern side, this will enable the storage of material and equipment while this section is being constructed. Two-way traffic flow will continue throughout construction, apart from during short periods where stop-go signs will be used during deliveries.

    We are still expected to open the new walking and cycling path connecting Enfield Town to Broxbourne in early- mid 2025. We appreciate your continued patience during these final phases of construction.

    If you have any queries relating to the construction works, please contact our contractor Kenson Highways at PLO@KensonHighways.com.

  • Construction update September 2024

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    Works currently underway

    We are laying the final gravel surface layer on multiple sections of the path between Carterhatch Lane and Goat Lane. We have begun the excavation between Turkey Street and Bullsmoor Lane. Works have also begun on the parallel crossing on Carterhatch Lane which will enable people walking and cycling to safely cross the road and continue their journey along the New River path.

    Upcoming works

    We will be completing the path between Goat Lane and Turkey Brook. We will also begin to construct a new central island on Carterhatch Lane. During these works we will have temporary traffic signals on the bridge to allow construction to take place safely. This phase is programmed to start mid-late October and last for approximately 3 weeks. Once the island has been constructed, we will resurface Carterhatch Lane from Sinclare Close up to Ladysmith Road. These works will be carried out at night between the hours of 20:00 and 05:00 also under temporary traffic signals. The resurfacing is programmed to start in mid-November for 1 week.

  • Construction update August 2024

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    Works to deliver the Enfield Town to Broxbourne Walking and Cycling Route are progressing well.

    Works currently underway

    Phase 1 of the works between Tenniswood Road and Carterhatch Lane are nearing completion. We are currently finishing the installation of the ramps to connect the path from the New River to Tenniswood Road and Carterhatch Lane, with the final layer being completed this week.

    Phase 2 of the works between Carterhatch Lane and Goat Lane are also currently underway. Alterations to the designs of this section were required to ensure no damage was caused to the existing tree roots. The top layer of the path along this section is scheduled to be installed next week.

    Upcoming works

    The next phase of construction is Phase 3 between Goat Lane and Turkey Brook. We have cleared the vegetation and trimmed the trees to allow the construction team to access the area. We are now beginning to excavate along this section to allow for the construction of the path. Parking restrictions will be in place on Worcesters Avenue to allow for a welfare unit, site stores and access to the New River.

    Planning of Phases 4,5 and 6 from Turkey Brook to the M25 are currently underway and we will provide more details on these phases in the coming months.

    Path Opening

    Phases 1, 2 and 3 between Tenniswood Road and Turkey Brook are expected to open for public use in December 2024 after tree planting and safety audits are completed. The final phases connecting the path up to the M25 are then likely to be opened in early to mid-2025.

  • Decision to implement changes to Bullsmoor Lane

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    Thank you to everyone who took part in the statutory consultation on the Traffic Order TG52/1557 relating to the Enfield Town to Broxbourne Walking and Cycling Route – Bullsmoor Lane crossing. Anyone could make an objection or representation in writing within the period from 8 May to 2 June 2024. Following a review of the feedback received, a decision has been made to make the Traffic Order permanent.

    Enfield Council is delivering this project with the aim to develop a walking and cycling route to connect the neighbouring boroughs of Enfield and Broxbourne. The project is being delivered by the Council’s Journeys and Places programme and have been made to deliver a key active travel link, contribute towards a long-term increase in the levels of active travel and improve this crossing to enable more people to walk and cycle safely.

    A document containing the response to objections has been published on the project page and can be viewed here.

    The Notice of Making, Statement of Reasons and the Traffic Management Order can be viewed here.

  • Construction update July 2024

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    The works along the New River as part of the Enfield town to Broxbourne Walking and Cycling Route commenced on Tuesday 7 May 2024 and have been progressing well. The off-road section has been split into multiple phases and consists of the construction of a shared use path running for 2.9km adjacent to the New River. 

    The works are anticipated to be completed by the end of the year. Pedestrian access will be restricted throughout the works. Advanced warning signage will be placed at strategic locations to effectively advise and guide the public. We apologise for any inconvenience these restrictions may cause.

    Works currently underway

    Phase 1 of the works between Tenniswood and Catherhatch have been progressing well and are due to be completed at the end of July. The new shared use path will be constructed; however, this section will remain closed until the planting along the path can be completed. The planting is scheduled at the end of summer when the weather is better suited to allow for the best chance of plant survival.

    Upcoming works

    The next phases of construction of the route are outlined below. The order that these phases will be delivered in is subject to change. The upcoming phases of construction are:

    Phase 2 - Carterhatch Lane to Goat Lane: The second phase of the off-road section between Carterhatch Lane and Goat Lane is due to start this week and will take approximately 6 to 8 weeks to complete. Throughout the construction of Phase 2, the contractor will need to continue to temporarily occupy the section of the road on Carterhatch Lane bridge using cones and barriers which are currently in place.

    Phase 3 - Goat Lane to Turkey Brook: The third phase will include the installation of a new bridge across Turkey Brook. Parking restrictions will be in place on Worcesters Avenue to allow for a welfare unit / site stores and access to the New River.

    Phase 4 - Turkey Street to Bullsmoor Lane: Parking restrictions will be in place on Bullsmoor Lane to allow for a welfare unit / site stores and access to the New River.

    Phase 5 - Turkey Brook to Turkey Street: The shared path is proposed to continue along the New River adjacent to St Ignatius College.

    Phase 6 - Bullsmoor Lane to the M25: The final phase will connect the route from Enfield over the M25 to the existing Broxbourne shared path, creating a continuous walking and cycling route between Enfield Town and Broxbourne. Parking restrictions will be in place on Bullsmoor Lane to allow for a welfare unit / site stores and access to the New River.

    When will the work be completed?

    The path along the New River is due to be completed by the end of the year, with the project continuing into mid-2025 as we complete some of the on-road works. Please note the schedule is subject to change due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances.

    If you have any queries relating to the construction works, please contact our contractor Kenson Highways at PLO@KensonHighways.com.

    More information

    As we progress through each phase of construction, updates will be posted on this project page.

    We understand that construction works of this nature can cause some disruption and we apologise for any inconvenience caused. We and our contractor work hard to ensure that disruption is minimised where possible whilst the works are undertaken.

    To view the designs and for more information, please see document library on the right hand side of this project page.

    Should you have any general queries about the project, please contact the Journeys and Places team at JourneysandPlaces@enfield.gov.uk.

  • Bullsmoor Lane crossing redesign - Statutory Consultation

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    In March 2023, we carried out consultation regarding the phase of the project focusing on the modifications to the on-carriageway sections of the New River Path; referred to as the New River Path crossover points. The proposal included safer crossings for people walking and cycling at multiple locations, including Bullsmoor Lane. Since then, we have revisited the design at Bullsmoor Lane due to the constructability of the original proposal. We are proposing a new design that ensures a safe crossing while also minimising impact on the existing bridge at Bullsmoor Lane.

    The new proposed interventions for Bullsmoor Lane feature:

    • New parallel zebra crossings for people walking and cycling
    • Footway and carriageway resurfacing
    • Reduced road crossing widths
    • Traffic calming features (speed tables, humps and street furniture)
    • Extended rain gardens.

    The statutory consultation being delivered is in relation to the draft traffic order for this crossover point. We have now published the draft traffic order for Bullsmoor Lane crossing, found here. The proposed designs can be found in the document library on the right side of this project page, found here. We would like to invite you to provide your comments on this traffic order through the statutory consultation process.

    Have your say

    The statutory consultation is open until midnight Sunday 2 June 2024. Any objection or representation must be made in writing, quoting the reference TG52/1557 and must state the grounds on which it is made. Objections or representations can be made in any of the following ways:

    • online via the consultation survey on this project page found here.
    • emailed to journeysandplaces@enfield.gov.uk or
    • posted to Journeys and Places team, Enfield Council, Silver Street, Enfield, EN1 3XA.

    Following the statutory consultation, a summary of the objections and representations will be produced. Enfield Council will provide a response and use the comments received to make a decision on whether or not to make the proposed changes.

  • Construction - Phase 1 Tenniswood to Cartherhatch lane

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    Construction is set to start 7th May 2024 for the off-road section of the Enfield to Broxbourne Walking and Cycling Path.

    The off-road section will be split into multiple phases and consists of the construction of a shared use path running for 2.9km adjacent to the New River. We are starting works at the southern end of the project at Tenniswood Road and will continue northwards to the M25 boundary. The design drawings for the route can be found in the ‘Documents’ section on the right-hand side of this page.

    Phase 1 of the works

    There will be several phases of construction. This first phase of the off-road section, between Tenniswood Rd and Carterhatch Lane, will involve installing a new 3-metre-wide shared path for people walking and cycling. Construction is set to start in early to mid-May 2024. Phase 1 of the project will take approximately 6 to 8 weeks to complete. Please note the schedule is subject to change due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances.

    Throughout the construction of Phase 1 and Phase 2, spanning from Tenniswood Rd to Goat Lane, the contractor will need to temporarily occupy a section of the road over Carterhatch Lane bridge using cones and barriers. To enable this, the central island will be removed, ensuring continuous two-way traffic flow.

    If you have any queries relating to the construction works, please contact our contractor Kenson Highways at PLO@KensonHighways.com.

    We have written to residents to notify them about Phase 1 and will notify them about Phase 2 of the works ahead of these commencing.

    We understand that construction works of this nature can cause some disruption and we apologise for any inconvenience caused. We and our contractor work hard to ensure that disruption is minimised where possible whilst the works are undertaken.

  • Planning Consent - Statutory Consultation (Bullsmoor Lane to M25)

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    A planning consent application, 24/01011/RE3, was submitted on 27 March 2024 for the off-carriageway work along the New River between Bullsmoor Lane and the M25.
    The planning consent documents can be accessed via the link(External link) and feedback on the proposal can be provided through the 'Comments' tab in the link provided.

Page last updated: 07 Feb 2025, 04:20 PM