Enfield Town to Broxbourne Walking and Cycling Route

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Picture of the New River in Enfield

Enfield Council are developing a walking and cycling route which aims to connect the neighbouring boroughs of Enfield and Broxbourne, from Enfield Town Station to Broxbourne. The project is predominantly funded by National Highways as part of the Designated Funds programme.

It is proposed that the Enfield Town to Broxbourne Walking and Cycling Route (within the borders of Enfield) runs from the southern side of the M25 junction with the A10 initially along the New River and eventually on the local highway network towards Enfield Town. Broxbourne Council are also working with Highways England on a related project that extends the route into Broxbourne.

The total length for the section within Enfield is approximately 4.7km. It features the construction of a shared use path running for 2.9km adjacent to the New River, and 1.8km of cycling route using local roads. The on-road section proposals include junction improvements, new crossings, wayfinding, and revised speed limits.

The Enfield section of the Enfield Town to Broxbourne Walking and Cycling Route together with the northern part of the route, which is located in the Borough of Broxbourne, will create an interconnected network for users between the two boroughs. It will also expand the current network of cycle routes within Enfield and provide an opportunity for a potential future East / West connection into the A1010 North major project.

The Enfield section, consisting for the most part of an off-road path, will provide a quiet, safe, and secure route to encourage more active forms of travel. This in turn will bring the benefits of keeping children and adults healthy and fit, reduce motor traffic, and improve air quality. In addition, the proposals for the on-road section will upgrade junctions to accommodate people walking and cycling to provide safer crossings for everyone.

On this project page you can find:

  • Key project dates in the Key Dates section on the right-hand side.
  • Project updates in the News Feed below.
  • A Document Library on the right-hand side which contain key documents.
  • A list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) which will be periodically updated.

Enfield Council are developing a walking and cycling route which aims to connect the neighbouring boroughs of Enfield and Broxbourne, from Enfield Town Station to Broxbourne. The project is predominantly funded by National Highways as part of the Designated Funds programme.

It is proposed that the Enfield Town to Broxbourne Walking and Cycling Route (within the borders of Enfield) runs from the southern side of the M25 junction with the A10 initially along the New River and eventually on the local highway network towards Enfield Town. Broxbourne Council are also working with Highways England on a related project that extends the route into Broxbourne.

The total length for the section within Enfield is approximately 4.7km. It features the construction of a shared use path running for 2.9km adjacent to the New River, and 1.8km of cycling route using local roads. The on-road section proposals include junction improvements, new crossings, wayfinding, and revised speed limits.

The Enfield section of the Enfield Town to Broxbourne Walking and Cycling Route together with the northern part of the route, which is located in the Borough of Broxbourne, will create an interconnected network for users between the two boroughs. It will also expand the current network of cycle routes within Enfield and provide an opportunity for a potential future East / West connection into the A1010 North major project.

The Enfield section, consisting for the most part of an off-road path, will provide a quiet, safe, and secure route to encourage more active forms of travel. This in turn will bring the benefits of keeping children and adults healthy and fit, reduce motor traffic, and improve air quality. In addition, the proposals for the on-road section will upgrade junctions to accommodate people walking and cycling to provide safer crossings for everyone.

On this project page you can find:

  • Key project dates in the Key Dates section on the right-hand side.
  • Project updates in the News Feed below.
  • A Document Library on the right-hand side which contain key documents.
  • A list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) which will be periodically updated.

  • Publication of decision on the on-carriageway part

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    A decision on the on-carriageway part of the Enfield Town to Broxbourne Walking and Cycling Route has been published and can be found here. The decision has been made by the Cabinet Member for Environment to proceed with the implementation of this part of the project.

    The decision is subject to call-in as per the Council’s scrutiny process. More information on this process can be found here.

  • Advanced publication of on-carriageway report

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    A report on the on-carriageway part of the Enfield Town to Broxbourne Walking and Cycling Route has been prepared that provides a summary of the project to date, outlines the proposals, takes into account residents’ feedback collected throughout the statutory consultation, and invites a decision on whether to proceed with its implementation. This report has now been published and a link is available here.

    This report is under consideration, with a decision anticipated shortly.

  • Update 2 February 2022

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    The draft traffic order for the on-carriageway section of the Enfield Town to Broxbourne project has been published and the statutory consultation is open until 23 February 2022. Anyone can make representations or objections relating to the proposed order. The following documents relating to the statutory consultation are available to view in the Document Library:

    • Traffic Order notice
    • Plans of the proposed measures
    • Statement of Reasons

    Any such objection or representation must be made in writing, quoting the reference TG1486. and must state the grounds on which it is made. Objections or representations can be made in any of the following ways:

    • via the survey on the project page
    • emailed to healthystreets@enfield.gov.uk, or
    • posted to Healthy Streets team, Enfield Council, Silver Street, Enfield, EN1 3XA.

    Following the statutory consultation, a formal report will be produced that summarises the objections and representations. Enfield Council will provide a response and use the comments received to shape the final designs of the project. The report will be publicly available and will be uploaded to the project page.

  • Update 23 November 2021

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    We invite you to discuss the design with Enfield Council’s Healthy Streets team at one of the following events:

    • Drop in session on Tuesday 7 December from 4.30-6pm at Enfield Town Library
    • Drop in session on Saturday 11 December from 10-11.30am at Enfield Town Library
    • Webinar on Tuesday 14 December from 6-7.30pm
    The webinar will be held on Microsoft Teams and can be accessed at the following link: https://tinyurl.com/EnfieldTowntoBroxbourne. A recording will be uploaded to the project page linked below following the webinar.
  • Update 10 March 2021

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    Enfield Council received funding from Highways England in early 2020 to explore the feasibility of this route and start to create a series of designs.

    Subsequently, we met with key stakeholder groups in February 2020 to hear their views and understand local insights and comments on the plans, including the alignment and design of the route. A Stakeholder Workshop Summary Report is now available to download via the document library on the right-hand side of this project page. The feedback received informed the concept plan that was used to help secure further funding from Highways England towards delivery of this project.

    Since then Highways England have not released further funding to progress the project and have confirmed that funding will not be available in the financial year 2021-2022. However, both Highways England and Enfield Council continue to have a common interest in delivering the project in the future, and the project remains on Highways England list as something that they would like to progress.

    To that end, we are continuing to progress the development of the design until further funding is secured in the future. When Highways England provides this funding, further engagement with the local community will occur.

Page last updated: 24 Jul 2024, 09:28 AM